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Carter's Pov.

I woke up slowly up and painfully. I checked my side with the bruise on it. I hurt like a bitch. o2l can't see this. I go up and went into my bathroom and put on my cover up makeup everywhere and then my makeup. I grabbed my clothes for today which was a #Flawless crop top Black jeans, and red converse. I looked down at myself and smiled. I don't think I've ever been this happy. But I'm hungry. Starbucks! Conner! Coffee! I went over to Conner's room and opened the door to a sleeping Conner. I walked back out and grabbed my backpack and my penny board and skated out to the nearest Starbucks. I walked into the Starbucks and ran into. someone and was knocked off my feet.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and the figure turned around looked at me for a second and his eyes widened. He pulled me up and smiled. If looks could kill I'd be dead. His hair was blond he had these amazing crystal blue eyes. No it's not JJ. What's his name?!

"I'm so so so so so so sorry! I'm Mark by the way." He said as I brushed myself off. I laughed at him. He just stared at me and he laughed awkwardly. I looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile and he smiled back.

"I'm Carter. Nice to meet you Mark. I should be sorry thou." I said and smiled he looked down and blushed. As I walked out to grab my penny board I was stopped by Mark.

"Hey! Carter!" He yelled I turned around. He was holding a Carmel Frap, and a small piece of paper I grabbed the paper and my frap and said thank you and skated off to the park once again. I really need to stop coming here. I always see someone I know. But this time I didn't. For once. I sat down and grabbed my phone and earphones and shuffled my playlist and When I'm gone started to play and I started to rap along with the song.

I finished off the song and opened my eyes and smiled I was looking into the eyes of Mark. He followed me and actually he's kinda cute therefore I can live with this. I looked into his eyes and smiled he smiled back a little nervous about what I was gonna do that was obvious.

" What's up?" I asked and he shrugged and continued to smile. 'I love his smile.' I thought to myself and he smiled more. What just happened? I checked my phone it was 5:30 at night. Kian and Sam better not lose their shit. Eh. I got up and Mark followed me. Coolio friend.

"I have to go my family might be getting worried." I said and he waved and speed off on my penny board and walked into the house and saw JJ, JG, Matthew, Cameron, Taylor, Carter, Nash, Hayes, Aaron, Shawn, Kian, Sam, Conner, Trevor, Ricky, Jc. What the Fuck. I'm so confused. JJ looked at me and blinked a few times. He looked down and by this point I knew I was fucked.

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