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Carter's Pov.

"Can you help me understand why you ran?" Jack asked. I didn't really know how to respond and it didn't know if I could respond and so I just nodded and leaned onto his shoulder. I saw his smile creep up onto his face, I don't know why but it brought a smile to mine as well.

"I can't explain it. It was a combination of stress, drama, and fear of whats coming and the unknown." I stated as I was still leaning on his shoulder and he looked at me and I looked at him. Why was this so confusing to you. Like come on Jack it's not that hard to figure out. I love you but come on.

"Why where you afraid?" He fired right back without hesitation. Like boy didn't I just explain. I don't know what else to say to him like come on. 'I didn't know what else to expect. First off you're my brother, the hate, the drama with there girls...?' I don't know I'm not known for answering these things. God Damnit Johnson figure it out like come on.

"The unknown. What to expect? Like how the hell am I supposed to know what to expect. If I knew you were gonna be at that party I probably wouldn't have gone. If it was Just Matt, Cameron, Taylor, Aaron, Shawn, Nash, and Carter I would have gone with Lele and Inanna." I explained and he just looked at me. What else am I supposed to say. as I supposed to lie? I've lied to much I can't hide behind the wall I've built to protect myself from the world.

"Carter so that was you taking shots, grinding on Matt, making Cam melt at the touch of you and and and...the list goes on is what I'm getting at." he laughed at his mistake. I smiled I really can't believe that after all of this he just forgives me. I kinda forgot that everyone else has in the room until I heard sniffles and that's when I turned around to see Cameron, Kian, Sam, Jc, Trevor, Ricky, and Conner. They all looked at me and I looked at them and smiled they gave me back weak smiles. I could understand where they are coming from right now.

"Ummmm. How do I say yes?" I asked with a giggle he laughed at my response and Cameron looked at me smiled and nodded and smiled back Matt came storming through the doors and I got up and gave him a hug and he hugged and he totally let go he started sniffle and then cry and put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes and give him a smile and his eyes met mine and didn't smile back but gave me worried eyes and led me to my room and sat me down.

"Carter, Car-rater, C-c-c-carter, Carter. P-p-p-please I-I-I-I need to stay with s-s-s-someone. C-can I st-st-stay here?" he stumbled on his words and cried even harder than before and I didn't know what to do and after all this was my best friend since I ran away. So yes Matt.

"You can stay here. Do you want me to stay with you or sleep in a different room?" I asked cause after all I have to get the other boys out of my apartment after all they've been here all day after all so getting them out won't be a problem.

"Will you stay with me?" he asked and I walked into my closet and changed clothes and got Jackson (A/N I remember him do you guys remember her dog?) all ready and texted jack tog et the boys out along with himself as I crawled into bed with Matt I turned over to face Matt and kissed his nose and he kissed my nose and I turned back over and felt to arms wrap around my waist and fell asleep with Matt's arms around me protecting from bad dreams I might have. 

"I love you Matthew." I whispered hoping he was already asleep.

"I love you too Carter." I heard before I fell asleep completely.

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