Chapter Eight: A Seizure Dims The Lights

Start from the beginning

"I know he will wake up, but I just don't know how he will be beyond that, so we should prepare ourselves,"

"How is the patient today?" a doctor walked in, and Frank smiled wearliy at him.

"Alright, Dr. Urie. Still no changes, but his color is good,"

"And what about you, Frank?"

"I'm hanging in there," Frank replied. The doctor turned to Mikey.

"And how are you doing?"

"Eh, been better, been worse," Mikey shrugged.

"Sounds a lot like your brother. Let me check his vitals and we will see what's happening,"

"Sure thing," Mikey and Frank stepped back to let Dr. Urie examine the patient. Once he was done he wrote on his chart.

"So, as you said, no changes, but we are still hopeful. We would like to do a CAT scan today, though,"

"CAT scan?" Mikey felt his stomach constrict.

"Yeah, we want to see if there are any complications that the seizure caused to his brain,"

"Oh...alright," he sighed. He felt Frank touch his knee.

"It's better to know now, Mikey," he said reassuringly.

"I know...I'm just scared, that's all,"

"I am too,"

"Well, I will set up to have Gerard moved," Dr. Urie said. "It will take a few hours, so why don't you go and--"

"I'm staying," Frank said, cutting the doctor off.

"Me too, doc," Mikey joined.

"Frank, I know you have not left for a whole week. At least Michael showers for work," Dr. Urie looked up from his papers, a serious look on his face. "Seriously, you are not going to be much of a caretaker if you don't take care of yourself,"

"I said I'm fucking fine! I'm staying!" Frank raised his voice.

"Please, doc. Please let Frank stay. Gerard needs us!" Mikey begged.

"How is Gerard gonna need you if he is going to be gone for only a few hours? There is no reason for you to wait here for that time," Dr. Urie turned to Mikey. "Michael, I thought you would be a better friend to convince him to go home--"

"Don't you fucking talk to him like that!" Frank jumped out of his seat and pushed the doctor hard.

"Frank, wait!" Mikey leapt forward, grabbing Frank and pulling away from Dr. Urie, but it was too late. The damage had already been done.

"Mr. Iero, I am calling security," Dr. Urie glared at Frank. "You are to be escorted from the premises and to not return for the next forty-eight hours and will have a chaperone with you at all times," he pressed the buzzer around his neck, speaking into it. "Security to room 423,"

Mikey turned to Frank, looking horrified. Even in his state of comatose, Gerard will be scared without Frank. He needs him, especially now. He can just hear his brother cry for him, begging him to stay by his side.

"Doc...please...," Mikey begged again, desperation in his voice.

"Security, which one?" Two armed men arrived. The doctor pointed to Frank. They moved toward him. "Sir, we are to escort you off the premises,"

"Yeah, yeah...I know," Frank rolled his eyes. He knew he pushed too far. He grabbed his coat as he turned to Mikey. "Mikey, let Gee know that I was here for him, okay?"

"Let's go, sir," one of the men raised his voice.

"I'm going," Frank sighed as the men pushed him out the door. He knew there was no sneaking back in. Mikey sighed deeply, waving to Frank as he was dragged out the room. He came to his brother's side, putting a reassuring hand on his head and brushing his bangs from his face.

"It's gonna be okay, big brother,"

_ _ _

Frank's phone rang, waking him up early in the morning. He picked it up, answering it as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Frank, it's me," Mikey replied, sounding anything but happy, like he's done a good deal of crying.

"Mikey, what's going on? How's Gee? What were the results?" Frank asked.

"Frank...oh, it's not good...," Mikey sighed. "The seizures made the deterioration of Gerard's nerves worsen. Dr. Urie said that he'll likely be unable to eat or communicate, or even breathe. Gerard still hasn't woken up. We're all starting to get worried,"

"Calm down, Mikey. I am sure things are not that bad. Gerard was breathing fine when I left, so I think you added the breathing part. However, the eating and talking, we knew that would be something that we would all have to deal with one day. Gerard has the machine, so communication is still possible once he gets home. The rest we will have to figure out, but honestly, a lot is up to Gerard himself. He is so negative about everything that he almost wills himself to shut down,"

"I know, and that scares me. I'm fucking scared, Frank...," Mikey whispered, losing himself to his own tears. He broke down, unable to hold back his sobs.

"I know you are. I will be back on Wednesday, and we can figure things out then for Gee, but meanwhile, I realized the doc was right. Come home and take care of yourself,"

"I can't, Frank. Someone's gotta be here for Gerard. I don't want anything to happen to him. You remember what happened last time we left him alone in the hands of strangers, don't you?"

"Mikey...this is different. Come on, please come home,"

"I'm sorry, Frank. I just can't let go. Who's gonna be there for him when he wakes up?"

"Do you want to get thrown out too?" Frank sighed. Mikey was as stubborn as his brother.

"No! God forbid someone's there to watch after his dying brother, huh?" Mikey protested.

"Look, just....You know what? Forget it. I'll see you on Wednesday," Frank hung up.

"Frankie? You alright, bambino?" Rosalie called out, tapping on Frank's bedroom door.

"Yes, nonna," Frank opened the door and smiled at her. "Just a phone call. Hey, thank you for letting me stay here yesterday. I just couldn't go back yet,"

"You're welcome. You're always welcome here. How's Gerard?" Rosalie asked, coming in the room.

"He's not good. He was deteriorated further with his motor functions, and now he can't eat or talk. It is quite sad. Still, I will continue to care for him until the end...Mikey, too,"

"Oh, bambino...," Rosalie frowned, sitting on Frank's bedside and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry about that,"

"It's alright. I think right now I need to be there more for Mikey than Gerard. He is the one that has to deal with the heaviest burden of being the healthy one,"

"I can imagine. I'm so happy to know that I have a grandson that's so supportive and caring. Your father raised you right,"

"He did, and I am going to do him proud, but right now I am going to use the bathroom and then help you out with cleaning the house," Frank stood up and kissed her on the cheek and left the room.  

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