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It was only nine in the morning, and it was already a crappy day.

Jeon Jungkook stared blankly at the platform opposite his, wondering what the hell he was doing. His train was leaving in thirty minutes, and he was going to be on it.

His phone rung, and he took it out of his pocket, cringing when the caller ID flashed Namjoon-hyung. He answered it anyways.

"How did they take it?" Namjoon asked.

"Uh..." Jungkook hesitated. He looked up, seeing his train pulling in.

"Wait." Namjoon's voice was sharp. "You're at the train station aren't you. You haven't told them? You have to!"

"I will."


"Later this afternoon."

"Lies. You haven't even cancelled your train ticket. And it's gonna be obvious when you don't show up at your own wedding." Jungkook's eyes stung.

"I need a friend right now, not you calling me out on my bull--"

"No cussing," Namjoon's voice softened as soon as he said that. "I'm sorry Jungkook. But you have to tell them. It was hard enough for your mom to accept the fact that you're gay, but now..." He trailed off. "The longer you wait, the harder it's going to be."

"I know, but I want to tell her in person. At this point, there's no better option."

"So you're actually coming home?"

Jungkook glanced at the open doors of the train. "Yeah."

"Okay." Namjoon was silent for several seconds, and Jungkook knew he was making some kind of plan. Namjoon was the kind of person you could count on in a crisis. Though he had a knack for destroying things, he was smart enough to fix them. "You're gonna get out tonight. Maybe you, Hoseok, Yoongi and I can get out."

Jungkook swallowed. "Thanks, hyung."

"What is a good hyung for? Call me when you tell them, though I think I'll be able to hear the yelling all the way downtown. If you need a place, you can crash at mine."

"What about Jisoo?"

"She's on a business trip and won't be home anytime soon. But even when she gets home, she's probably going to a friend's place."

"But you guys are getting married in four months. Aren't you going to be living together?"

"Of course," he said defensively. "We'll work it out."

"I don't get it." Jungkook muttered.

"Says the man boarding a train to Busan even though his fiancé broke up with him a month ago."

"Two months."

"That doesn't make it any better."

The loudspeaker on the platform blared out a message. "The 76XXX02 train to Busan will be departing in ten minutes. Will all passengers please board at this time."

"Hyung, I've got to go. Considering that I have a first-class ticket, might as well go enjoy the benefits of it."

"Don't forget the alcohol. Maybe some drinks will loosen you up to breaking the news."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "If it were that easy, I would've already done it." The loudspeaker makes another announcement. "Listen, I gotta go. See you soon hyung."

"You can do it Kookie. What's the worst that can happen?"

He shuddered. "I don't even want to think about it. I'll let you know when it does though." He hung up and shoved his phone back in his pocket, eyeing the train with apprehension before steeling up and walking onboard.

Jungkook found his seat in the carriage and sat. He stared out of the window, remembering when he and Taehyeon first bought the train tickets. That should've been the first clue that Taehyeon was having second thoughts about their relationship. He had insisted they get single seats, but Jungkook firmly refused.

"Can I get you something, Mr. Jeon?"

Jungkook turned to see a train attendant smiling down at him.

"Uh... how about a soju?" The attendant nodded, leaving him to get the drink.

Other passengers filed in past Jungkook, and the seat next to him remained empty. Maybe Taehyeon forgot to cancel his ticket? Though it didn't seem possible. Taehyeon always wanted to save as much as he could. Even a small sum of 60,000 won was something to fight over.

The train attendant came back with his drink, and he sipped it faster than he intended, trying to quell his nerves. Jungkook was just relaxing when the doors started to close, and one last guy burst though the opening right before it shut. The stranger stood in the aisle, his gaze turning to the only vacant seat left in the carriage.

Jungkook wasn't the only one who noticed him, even if his attention was less obvious than the others'. At almost six foot, his hair could almost brush against the ceiling. The blonde attendant who had served Jungkook's drink gave the stranger a sideways glance of appreciation. But he paid no heed to the looks, as he probably was used to people staring. The stranger was taller than Jungkook himself, and an ethereal aura radiated from his handsome self.

The attendant rested her hand on the man's arm and looked up at him through her dark eyelashes, saying something as she leaned in closer. Looking slightly irritated, he showed her his ticket, and she pointed at the vacant seat.

Jungkook had a neighbor.

He stuffed his bag on the overhead rack, and sat next to Jungkook. Jungkook guessed him to be around the same age, if not slightly older, and he didn't have that laid-back Seoul vibe. He bore a slight resemblance to Taehyeon, though he looked a lot better that his ex-fiancé. But his looks weren't the point. What concerned him was the determined gleam in his dark eyes and the way his jaw clenched, looking like he had some mission to complete.

Momentary fear mingled with the haze in his head. "Are you some kind of alien?" he asked without a thought.

"What?" The stranger replied, eyes wide with horror.

Jungkook shook his head, his head spinning as he did. "Sorry you just look..." He waved his hands in front of his face to finish his sentence, then dropped his hands just as fast. What on earth had possessed him to say that?

Moments later, the flirty attendant came back and leaned over the man to grab Jungkook's empty glass. Still bent over, the blonde turned to face the stranger, her face deathly close to his. "Don't you worry Mr. Kim. I'll take care of you as soon as I can."

His mouth gaped slightly before closing, and he grunted a "Thanks."

Jungkook had to wonder what the attendant's definition of taking care of him was.

The screens inside the train lit up, and basic safety procedures played. Jungkook leaned back, fingers digging into the armrest. When the train arrived, he would finally have to do what he'd been putting off for more than a month... but how? How was he going to face his family, especially his mother?

"Afraid of the train?" The man besides him looked displeased at the prospect.

"No, just crashing and burning." Which was exactly what was going to happen to him after the train arrived in Busan.


A/N: so my other stories were going nowhere so here's a fresh fanfic that has been planned and will definitely be finished, though updates might be a little slow... enjoy the vkook~

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