Chapter 20 - I Fulfilled My Promise

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Kinshiki and Mimoshiki stare down at us, as we glare at them, it was the ultimate stare down.

Me and Naruto we in our tailed beast sage mode, we both had clones scattered all over the stadium, we both made sure that all the villagers were safe and uninjured.

I turn and look over to Naruto "I would like to promise you something..." I begin, Naruto looks at me with slight concern "I want to promise that I will protect you, even if it risks my life" once I finished, Naruto's eyes widened, I look at where Kinshiki and Momoshiki were.

Momoshiki laughed a psychotic laugh as he raised his palms to the sky, Kinshiki charged down towards us, I charge towards him and block his attack, a small crater was made.

I leap up and swing both my Kutana's, Kinshiki blocks my attack and kicks me aside, I cough as I catch my breathe, I stand up and rush towards Naruto and Saskue.

Once I got there, Naruto and Saskue were combined in a Tailed beast Susanoo formation, I looked up with surprise, Naruto and Saskue had finally got along and are now working together.

I went into my tailed beast transformation as well to help out, I looked up at where Momoshiki was, and he had a massive beast bomb in his hands, Naruto tells Saskue to protect Boruto and Sarada, Saskue nods and actives his Susanoo around Boruto and Sarada.

"It was fun but now, it must end!" Momoshiki yells, Kinshiki appears by Momoshiki's side and smiles psychotically.

Momoshiki then slams his hands down, me and Naruto then slam our hands on the beast bomb, there was a massive flash of light.

"Dad!" Boruto yells with tears in his eyes, Naruto turns around and smiles.

"Shira-Chan!" Sarada screams, I turn around and see the crying girl, I then mouth 'Everything will be okay, trust me', Sarada understood what I said and tried to stop crying and nodded her head.

When the flash of light was gone, me and Naruto had disappeared, Boruto still had tears streaming down his face and Sarada tried so hard to hold back her tears, but she just broke down.

I had been knocked out from the blast, I felt an immense pain in my stomach, I let out a ear piercing screech.

"Oh come on, this is taking way longer than expected" Momoshiki sighed, I let out a grin as i slowly open my eyes, I took in my surroundings and I was tied up against the 'Divine' tree where, I had heard that Madara had performed his Infinite Tsukuyomi.

I let out another scream, as Momoshiki used a special jutsu to try and get Zodiac's chakra, I then here another scream, I turn my head and Kinshiki was doing the same jutsu as Momoshiki to try and remove Kurama's chakra.

It had been about an hour and a half since we have been tortured, I was losing the will to fight, but then I saw familiar people, falling from the sky?

I heard the sound of sword swings, I was then falling from the tree, I then felt arms catch me, I look up and see Gaara.

"Thank you" I say quietly, Gaara looks down and smiles... Wait... Smiles? Hold up... Did Gaara just smile?

"I couldn't just let my Tailed Beast sister fall to her death, now would I?" He says with a slight chuckle, I chuckle.

We finally land, I stand up and see that all the Kage were there, I then saw something small and blonde.

"Boruto! What are you doing here?" I panic, thinking Naruto would flip if he saw his son here, but nope, Boruto grinned widely.

"I'm here to help" he grinned, I sweat dropped.

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