Chapter 11- The Second Test

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I stare as Anko explains what the second exam was about, my eyes see something, so I glance over to see a Hidden Grass Ninja sitting there with her tongue out, I cringe slightly as her tongue looked like a snakes tongue.

I continue to listen to Anko about how the survival test will go, she then leaps out the window along with the others that followed her in shouting:


Everyone gets up out of their seats and follows Anko to the forest of death.

It was a long journey to get there, I was just walking as I managed to pick up the scent of Anko before she left, so I can take all the time I need, I watch as other candidates over take me, some of them pulled my tail or my ears as they pass by.

I finally reached the meeting point where Anko had told us to go, I got many stares from other candidates, I walked over to where Naruto and the others were.

"Are you guys nervous?" I ask as I stand next to Naruto, I get no response but a slight 'hm' from Saskue, I do a slight sigh as I can clearly see that they are all nervous.

I walk away from them so I could hear Anko clearly as there were lots of people nattering away at each other.

As Anko was explaining the rules I spaced out, when I saw teams lining up in front of a tent I stood there looking confused.

'So, um what do we do?'

'Kid, geez you have the attention span of a 2 year old'

'Sorry what was that I didn't quite catch that?'

'Nevermind, anyways you go in that tent to get a 'heaven' or 'Earth' scroll, and you have to hide it so no one will see it, if you get a 'Heaven' scroll you have to get an 'Earth' scroll and vice versa, nobody will know what scroll you will have, is that understandable?'

'Yes it is, I understand loud and clear'

'Good now get going you have to get a scroll'

'Oh right, sorry'

I make my way into the tent where you get the scrolls.

"Name" One of the Chunin asks, with a slight irritable tone.


The Chunin then checks a list and ticks my name off, he then hands me a 'Heaven' scroll, I put it in a secret pouch in my ninja boots, I then walk out as if nothing happened.

After all the teams had a scroll we were given different gates to go through, I was put on the 1st gate where Anko was, I could feel my palms start to sweat as I started to become nervous, we had 72 hours to get a scroll and get to the tower, which meant we had 5 full days to get a scroll.

"GO!" Anko screamed as the gates were flung open.

I rush through them heading straight for the trees, I just ran and ran, I was about to take a break when a kunai came flying my direction, I try to dodge but it hits my shoulder, I hold in an agonising cry as I clutch my shoulder.

'Kid! You okay? That looks as if it hurts!'

'I... Am... Fine... Just... A... Little... Shaken'

'Kid you are creeping me out, when you talk like that, that means you are mad'

'Me! Mad! Ha you're having a laugh!'

'Phew I thought you were ma-'

'Of course I am mad! Someone threw a kunai and it hit my shoulder! Why wouldn't I be mad!'

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