Chapter 19 - Second Exam... What are you doing here? (Part 3)

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We had finally arrived at the second exam arena, the stadium was filled with people from all sorts of different villages, there was, the hidden leaf, hidden sand, hidden waterfall, hidden mist, hidden sound, hidden grass, all sorts, I could feel my excitement get the better of me.

I stood on a podium in front of the excited Genin as they lined up in their teams, I could see all their smiles as they chatted to one another, I looked up towards the Hokage tower and saw Naruto talking to Gaara and the other Kage.

I turned and faced the young Genin, I cleared my throat.

"Welcome! To the Second Exam! I am your assistant proctor Shira Kimiashi! I will be helping Rock Lee here with examining the fights" I yelled so the Genin could here me clearly, Lee stood next to me, I look at Lee and nod, I then jump up to the Hokage tower where Naruto and Gaara were.

"Okay! I am Rock Lee! Your proctor, I am here to examine each match, the rules are as follows, its either kill or be killed" Lee says sternly, the Genin's smiles finish in an instant, Lee then chuckles "I'm joking, the rules are, the first person to knock out or kill their opponent wins and goes to the next round, or if a player forfeits the other player wins and goes to the next round as well, also any player caught cheating will be disqualified! Do I make myself clear!" He clarifies, the Genin all nod their heads "Okay, your names will be shown on the screen here" Lee then jumps down and presses a button to activate the name generator.

The first name was picked, it was Sarada vs a grass genin, I stood behind Naruto with my senses focused on the match.

The match was intense, my eyes flickered all around the arena studying all their movements for any signs of cheating.

When Sarada's match was over, the grass ninja was taken to the medical room.

The next names were generated, it was Mitsuki vs a sound Genin, again, I followed both of the Genin to spot anything different, but, I noticed something off with the sound Genin, but before I could do anything, Lee got there before me, Lee then disqualifies the Genin and declares Mitsuki the winner.

Then, Boruto's name was called, he was up against a hidden waterfall Genin, I watched with amazement as Boruto fought this Genin, then I heard a clicking noise, my ears picked up the sound immediately, I realise a low and dangerous growl, Naruto and Gaara hear and look at me.

But before Naruto could say anything I was gone, I disappeared into thin air, their eyes widen as they heard a small explosion in the arena, the Kage looked at me with surprise as did the audience.

I walked slowly towards the frozen Boruto, the waterfall Genin had been knocked out, I tower over Boruto, my tail swaying dangerously slow, my ears twitching to every movement I heard, my eyes glowing a dangerous red...

"H-Hey Shira-C-Chan..." Boruto stutters, he was full of terror, he had never seen this side if me before.

"Pull up you sleeves Boruto" I growled, Boruto was hesitant, but didn't move, I growl dangerously "Don't. Make. Me. Repeat. Myself"

Naruto and Gaara could feel how angry I was, Naruto then jumps down.

"Shira? What's the problem?" Naruto asks concerned, I don't reply, I just continue to growl.

"Boruto, roll up both of your sleeves" I growl, Boruto being absolutely terrified of me, obeyed and rolled up both his sleeves, my eyes widen.

I grab his wrist and he winces in pain, Naruto walks forward, without realising, I gripped a bit too hard and broke his kote on his wrist, Boruto snatched his hand out of my grip.

Naruto had the look of disappointment in his eyes, he then removes Boruto's headband and tells him he can no longer be a ninja, Boruto looked furious, he was about to run off but there was an explosion, I look up to the stadium and see that one part of the roof had collapsed.

I immediately jump up, and see people underneath, I make many clones and remove the rubble and help the villagers out, I then make loads more and send them to different points of the stadium.

The real me stands protectively in front of Naruto and Boruto, I had my ears listening out for anymore sounds, I heard a slight whistle and I jumped up.

I focused my chakra to my hands and punched a massive boulder headed towards the stadium, as I landed I saw Naruto still standing in front of his son.

I hear a war cry, so I look up and see two people flouting in the air, I growl loudly so they could hear it.

I recognised these two from my mission, these were the two I had to kill, and I did, I saw them die by my blades, but how? How are they still alive!?

"Momoshiki... Kinshiki..." I growl, the both of them laugh.

"Ah, Shira, Shira Kimiashi, long time no see, I guess you didn't kill us after all" Momoshiki laughed, I growl and get my Kutana blades out "Hold your tail wolf, I'm not only here for you, I'm also here for you" he sang slightly pointing at Naruto.

I then shout and swear at both Momoshiki and Kinshiki, but they laugh it off, now that pissed me off big time, I felt my claws getting longer and my teeth getting larger, I let out an all might howl which made the ground shake, my lilac chakra cloak covered my whole body and clones that were helping injured people from the small explosion.

Naruto also activated his chakra cloak, we both stand side by side, I could see Hinata and Himawari staring at us, I needed to make sure they were safe from any danger...

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