Chapter 12 - The Third And Final Exam

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We finally arrived at our final destination, The Third and final exam, it was a massive arena with massive hands at the back in the position of a hand sign, I looked around in 'aw' as I have never seen this place before.

We lined up in our teams and a Chunin stood in front of us, he had a REALLY bad cough, I mean, c'mon man, get some medicine, I don't need you coughing in my face every 2 seconds.

He explained that there needed to be an elimination round as there were so many of us, he then said that our names will appear in front of us on a big screen, when he finished we all went on the balcony.

When I was watching the matches, I saw that Saskue looked uncomfortable, so I stand next to him.

"Saskue are you okay? You look uncomfortable?" And as I say that Sakura looked guilty, I arched an eyebrow, Saskue rearranged his collar and I saw a mark on his neck, I look at Sakura and I could tell she already knew about it.

I went back to where I was standing and continued to watch the matches, until...

Shira Kimiashi VS Ruko Narikari

When that name was up on the board I recognised it, but where did I hear it, I stood on the railing and jumped down into the arena.

I then see a boy with jet black hair, emerald green eyes with an evil smirk on his face stand in front of me, my eyes widen as i remember him, he was always picking on me when I was little.

"Well, well, if it isn't Shira Bakashi, I haven't seen you in forever, I missed you!" Ruko says sarcastically as he brings out a kunai.

I released a low dangerous growl escape my throat "My name is Skira KIMIASHI, not Bakashi, and I didn't miss you!" I growled, he laughed hysterically, I had a smirk on my face.

'This is going to be fun!'

'Uh who is tha- Don't worry I know who that is.... You kick his ass for me okay!'

'Not... A .... Problem'

The man with a bad cough signaled his hand for us to begin.

I leapt to the wall of the balcony and used my chakra to stand on the wall, Ruko charged towards me with a kunai in hand, I dodged out the way and landed behind him and delivered a kick to his side, he was sent flying.

The fight was going on for a while, Ruko was almost at his limits and I was also at my limit, Ruko stalked towards me as I was sat on the ground catching my breath.

"GO SHIRA!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" Sakura yelled, i looked at her and other others and they were all cheering for me.

I look at Ruko as he stalked towards me sending insults at me, I had a different look in my eye, it wasn't defeat.... It was bloodlust, I felt a lilac chakra cloak surround me, i was crouched over, my nails were like claws, my teeth became sharper, my eyes went a blood red, I never felt this before, my mind was only set to defeating Ruko.

Ruko's eyes widened as he took a couple of steps back, the crowd gasp in disbelief, I vanish, Ruko looked around the arena frantically trying to see where I was, I reappear in front of him and punch him in the gut causing him to cough up blood.

"I..... I-I give u-up....." Ruko choked as he clutched his stomach, the Chunin walked over and announced I was the winner.

Medics rushed in with a stretcher and took Ruko out the arena, I felt the chakra cloak fade away, my mind then caught up on what happened, I stood up and the crowd was silent.

"The winner is Shira Kimiashi, she will be going to the final" The Chunin announced whilst lifting my arm in the air.

The arena was silent, I jumped up to where the others were and they gave me a small cheer, I gave a smile.

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