The Elder Demon

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Orroz was fighting a losing battle. Already his right foot had completely vanished to the other reality, and slowly the rest of his body followed in suit. He could only hold it at bay, and to keep writing. He must...keep...writing...

On this excavation into Gammie's mind, the frozen explosion wasn't there. Instead we were in a dark landscape, with an impossibly huge dome as the sky. It was sickly yellow and red with dark shadows playing on its walls. At our feet was black and blood-red sand. The surface of Gammie's mind.

             "Do you know where you're going?" Gammie asked. "The Demon could be anywhere!"

             "It's your mind!" I responded. "And that's what I'm counting on. The Demon would not be able to resist such a tempting opportunity. If it can kill you and I off in one fell swoop, it would have control over your body and your powers."

             "WHAT?!" Gammie shrieked. "Orroz you ass! You knew that could happen?"

             "Yep," I simply said, "and that's why I brought you with me. We need to lure it out, so I can expel it out of you." As if on cue, a horrible screech brought our conversation to a halt. High up in the sky(?) was a large, dark, winged shape. after a few moments hovering, it began to dive. Dive right towards us!

As it got closer, I recognized it as the shape I saw before Gammie banished me from her mind before. It had crimson skin and large, bat like wings with black curling horns of a ram and thick talons. It gave off another screech and flapped its wings, accelerating its descend towards us. I looked up at it confidently and shot a beam of golden light at it. Surely not even an Elder Demon can withstand something like that.

And yet the Demon kept on coming. My confident look wavered, but I recovered enough to push Gammie to the ground. The Demon's claws raked the air just inches from our backs and soared up again, out of reach.

             "What happened? That thing should've been dead!" Gammie exclaimed, beginning to panic. I saw that as she freaked out, our surroundings, and even the Demon were affected as well. The Demon was actually growing larger, more powerful, while the shadows on the dome of her mind flickered and danced more violently.

             "Gammie, I know where I went wrong," I said quickly, trying to get my thoughts out before the Demon dived again. "The Demon is connected to you and your mind, but this is still your mind! You, and only you, have the power to banish this demon. It is feeding on your fear, it's making him stronger. You need to calm down."

But the Demon dived again, this time its wings growing larger and larger until they blotted out the entire sky. There was no running from this. I too enlarged my wings just enough to cover Gammie, and shielded her as the Demon pounced. For a while, all I could see was her and my wings. But then, slowly, everything faded to black.

I awoke to find myself strapped into a chair, with several ropes knotted around my wrists, waist, and legs. My wings were in a particularly uncomfortable position, but thankful I was able to retract them into my back. I was able to turn my head freely and see Gammie restrained in a similar fashion.

             "Gammie, are you alright?" I asked. She gave me a glare.

             "Yes, I'm just peachy. What does it look like to you, idiot?!" Gammie said, bouncing around in her chair as she tried to escape. I tried using my magic to teleport away, burn the bindings, strike them from existence, anything that could set me free. Nothing worked. In frustration, my form involuntarily morphed into a hideous monster, with  a snake like neck and a mouth full of fangs. I snapped at my bindings and in the air as I vented my rage. Eventually, I caught a glimpse at Gammie's appalled expression, and promptly returned to my original form. It was then that I saw what looked to be an old fashioned screen and video projector. I heard casual footsteps coming from the far corner, that were getting closer. Soon the source of them came into view. It was Gammie.

Or rather, a duplicate of Gammie. It was obviously the Demon, taking a form that would mock her and I.

             "Well, well, well, look what we have here," the Demon said in a chillingly exact copy of Gammie's voice. "A fallen god, and my old friend Gammie. Isn't this a pleasant surprise." She chuckled and leaned in close to me, trying to tempt me into looking places where a gentleman shouldn't. I starred at her square in the eye, my gaze not moving.

              "Let Gammie go. It's me that you want, not her," I said.

              "Nonsense, Orroz," the Demon laughed, patting my cheek. She glanced at the original Gammie. "With you out of the way, Gammie won't have the strength nor the intellect to fight me." She took a whiff at me, closing her eyes and savoring my scent, my power. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and her nose crinkled.

               "You're full of...light magic," the Demon said in disgust. "And here I was going to consume you. Your power would've been a nice addition to mine. But, now that I take a closer look at you, I know that you cannot receive such an honor. Goodbye, Orroz." My vision was slowly fading to black. I fought it with everything I had, but the Elder Demon, combined with the power Gammie's mind gives it, was too much, even for an emphysprite. The next thing I knew, I was expelled from Gammie's mind...     

The God Files: Orroz's Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें