I Have Loved...

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Orroz couldn't help but smile as he touched the pen to his lips, contemplating on how to jot down his thoughts into words. After a brief moment, inspiration struck, and he continued writing.

Throughout my travels I have encountered some strange, wonderful things. But, in my honest opinion, the strangest and most wonderful thing I have ever found was love.

Love seemed to follow me everywhere, no matter what I did. Sometimes it came quickly, othertimes more slowly. But it was not me who loved so easily, but rather those around me. Many times throughout my long years I had been courted by several stunningly beautiful maidens, even goddesses. However, I also knew that it could never at all work out. Oh there were a few times where I accepted their adavances either due to pity, debt, or even the possibility of me loving them in return. It always ended the same way though, tears and heartbreak. I never wanted to hurt anyone, so I vowed to never indulge a woman's sudden flurry of desire for me. It would just lead to more pain later on.  

But, then I had met Serena.

It was 14th century Venice, and I was returning to my current master Albeus with some supplies he needed. I had apprenticed myself to him in hopes of learning about alchemy, a "scientific" process I never quite understood. That and he was also a powerful sorcerer, and he had much he could teach me. While I was walking, a young traveler was racing down the road on horseback. He must have had some urgent news, because he was pushing the horse to full gallop. People lunged out of the way into various carts, people, or else puddles of filth. I only noticed the rider just in time, and flung myself backward. Unfortunately, I was on a bridge at the time over a canal, and my momentum carried me up and over the side. I expected to plunge to the bottom of the river, which would make my day difficult at best. However, it was my luck that a boat was passing by under the bridge just as I began to fell, and I landed right onto the deck of that small water craft. The supplies were less fortunate, washed downstream by the current.

            "Oh, my God, are you alright?" a voice, a woman's voice asked me. I felt a hand help me up onto my feet.

            "Yes, I'm fine thank--" I began, but the words were choked off when I saw the maiden who accidentally rescued me.

As I have written previously, I have met angels before, Semalia for example, and I've even met a few more besides him. So when I first gazed upon the maiden I knew she was a picture of true, heavenly beauty.

Glossy, raven black hair swept down to her shoulders, framing a delicate, pale complexion. She was wearing a particularly fancy purple dress that fitted her very nicely. But it was her eyes that entranced me the most. They seemed to be a dark shade of indigo, but I swore I saw them flash violet once or twice.

            "You still with me?" she asked after a moment. I mentally shook myself and tried desperately to recover.

            "Yes, yes, of course," I said. "I um...I apologize you just...startled me, that's all."

            "Well, I suppose that's natural, since you fell off a bridge," she laughed. That laugh seemed to tickle my very soul into laughter as well, but I forced it down.

            "So, what's your name, stranger?" she asked me.

            "Orroz. Orroz Sandeles," I told her.

            "What an interesting name," she commented. "Well, my name's Serena. Technically, it's supposed to be Lady Serena, but I've never been a stickler for titles." Her eyes flicked toward the canal and she must've seen my supplies floating downstream with us.

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