please sportacus...stap (mini chapter..again, sorry)

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You and your family were at your parents house telling embarrassing childhood stories while the kids watched..well..what the hell do kids watch these days(?) Anyway you guys were doing that until your father made a...DAD JOKE and only sportacus and your dad were laughing "wait i got one, so when i was a kid me and my uncle would go fishing and listen to music, my favorite part of that was when the BASS drop!" Sportacus said thinking he was actually funny "come over here right now, give me hug son," Your dad said proudly "you have just made your first official dad joke, you get a hug of honor" they just hug and make more and MORE HORRIBLE DAD JOKES "so this is what i have to deal with..." you ask your mom while looking at the sad display infront of your eyes "yes, sadly...need help fileing for divorce?" Your mom asked sarcastically " joke really..." you ask with a chuckle.

Im FUCKING SICK AGAIN its obvious that my body hates me and apparently my brain dose too because im also in a writers block..fucking yay.
    - sincerely C.M

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