but your my mommy!

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Today was the day you were going to have your second baby and sportacus had taken you to the hospital before hand, just to safe. He'd also dropped lui off at the mayors house  anyway you were at the hospital talking with sportacus " i think its a girl..." You say "wanna bet?" Sportacus said feeling pretty positive its a dude " ok fine if its a girl you have tooo hmm..let me do your hair, yes it sounds dumb but it's something i wanted to do for a long time." You say while rubbing your stomach "ok ok and if its a boy you have to...eat 42 apples in one day." Sportacus said thinking he'd actually win the bet.


Lui was falling asleep while the mayor and miss busybody were haveing a conversation "mr. Mayor, im bored..." lui said slouching over "ms. Busybody please i have to tend to lui now, I'll see you later. So tell me what you want to do and I'll try to make it happen!" The mayor said "i wanna go to stingys house and play with his legos!" Lui yelled excitedly "ok, let me call him right now." The mayor said before walking to the phone "hello stingy? This is the mayor, i was wondering if lui could come over your house and play with you building blocks." The mayor asked  "Yes of course i even got a new star wars set! You can come over as soon as possible! Oh and there not called 'building blocks' there called legos. Bye." Stingy had to correct him just because.

                                                         Other meanwhile

You and sportacus were channle surfing on those tiny t.v they have in the hospital with nothing but soap operas with spanish subtitles on them until "...sportacus get a doctor i think my water just broke." You said casually "oh ok!" He said running out of the room as quickly as he could. "Ok ms. (L/n), i need you to just breathe..uhm sir if you could just wait in the waiting room." The doctor said "yes, sorry.." he said feeling embarrassed. Sportacus sat down in a very uncomfortable chair in the waiting room and looked at a man who was paceing the room with a worried look on his face "why so worried, well if i may ask." Sportacus asked "hmm o-oh im just really worried ya know, i mean this is my first child and i already have no idea what im doing..." the man trailed off and sportacus listened, knowing how the man felt.

" *sigh*...i feel kinda less stressed now, guess i just had to get that off my chest thanks for listening man, names Jhon by the way." He said "sportacus, and your welcome." Sportacus said holding his hand out for a hand shake and getting one "heh i know how you feel, my first son had me up at night and thats before he was born, he had me worried out of my mind but when he was born a wave of relief came over my entire body and i thought 'wow this is actually happening, i cant believe it'. Of course i couldn't say that because i was sobbing to much hahah." Sportacus said "hahaha man, so whats your kids name?" Jhon said.

                                                        Third meanwhile

Lui vigorously knocked on stingys door "stingy open the doooor!" Lui yelled enthusiastically "coming, coming!" Said stingy though it was muffled "hi lui geuss what i got a new star wars lego, set you can have jabba the hutt i care for him very much...oh hi mayor meanswell." Stingy said while running after lui.

        Hours later....

Stingy had fallen asleep on his couch and lui was watching nickelodeon on his fancy t.v when someone knocked on the door, so lui opened the door only to see his mom and dad holding something "hi mom, hi dad..mom why do you look so tired? Did you get enough sleep last night?" Lui asked oddly sounding alot like his father "honey go lay down," sportacus said while helping you to the couch "dad whats thay in your arms is it a present?" Lui asked "well i geuss you could say that, but no, lui..meet your baby sister, olivia." Sportacus said with a tear in his eye "....." lui was speechless
"Isn't she beautiful lui?" You ask lying on stingy couch "n-no b-b-because your my m-mommy a-and my daddy!" Lui yelled starting to cry and waking up stingy "lui..*yawn* why are you crying did you step on a lego again?..hmm hi guys..whats tha- another baby!" Stingy was shocked to randomly wake up to see you and sportacus had another baby.

"Lui, lui stop crying..do you think we did this to replace you?" You asked haveing sympathy for him "y-y-yeah..." he said obviously hurt on the inside "son, we would never do that..we had another baby becuase we wanted you to have someone to play with when your friends weren't around and someone you could teach and grow up with..." sportacus said trying to calm him down "..c-can i hold her? *sniff*" lui asked still kinda crying, so sportacus handed him olivia "...uhh hi...my names lui." Lui said, putting a hand out. " *buuuurrrp*" olivia just burped in lui face "...hehe..hahahah! Eww! Your groooss! Hahahah!" Lui laughed at the huge burp his little sister had just let out.

"Ya wanna hold her stingy?" Lui asked "oh no thank you i dont wanna kill her with my morning breath." Stingy said stretching.

Hey guys it took me like two days to finish this chapter because one I'm sick and i had to put alot of thought into this one anyway I'll see you guy later also why not message me and give me feed back!
   - C.M

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