Hi....help me.

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'This is it...' sportacus thought while you tie his tie for him, today was the day sportacus has to go see your parents and family, the day he dreaded for basically all of your relationship and he was most nervous because (the headcannons explain most things) the fact that he got you pregnant before marrying you and he didn't know if your parents were ok with that or not. plus what man isn't scared of meeting the girls parents.

"Eww your sweating..alot more than usual, their just my mom and dad its not that big a deal..." you said looking him in the eyes to reassure him "mm b-but we have a kid and we're not married a-and we're not even the same species! a-and-" he was shut up by you putting your lips to his " their my parents not the president and first lady..calm down." you say putting a sleeping lui in a baby carrier on your chest.

You were arriving at your house when you got there you knocked on the door and your dad opened the door  "ohh hey honey!" your dad yelled hugging you tight "aww dad i still need to breath!" you said trying to catch your breath "you must be sportacus! come in, get comfy!" your dad said enthusiastically "heh thank you." sportacus said sounding nervous "(Y/n)s back! (Y/n)s back!" you little sister said hugging you "AND SHE BROUGHT A BABY!!!" your show off-y little brother yelled  "ohh hello (Y/n) sweety" you mom said hugging you 

"Whos this handsom lad?" your mom said holding on to lui "oh..this is my son lui." you said signaling sportacus to stop being a baby and come meet your mom "uh..hello ms.(L/n), im sportacus..your daughters boyfriend." he said sweating like no tomorrow "HEY, I WANNA HOLD DA BABY!" your littlest sister said..well yelled, she always yells " well mabye you'd get a chance if you asked nicely.." said your over achieveing little brother vinnie "(Y/n), guy with the cool mustache..may i please hold your baby?" said vinnie obviously not knowing sportacus' name " i dunno..can you?" you said messing with your brother "grrr...fine mustache guy may i hold the baby?" vinnie said again this time more annoyed, you bump sportacus with your elbow and wiggle your eyebrows "well,...i dunno may you?".

"GRRR MOOOM (Y/N WON'T LET HOLD THE BABY!!" your brother yelled trying to be a tattle tale "her baby,her rules!" your mom yelled from the kitchen "jeez, i was just kidding..here" you said handing lui to him. while your sister and brother gaze at lui you go look for sportacus, turns out he was watching the hockey game with your dad they were talking about you "ya know, i always wondered what kinda man (Y/n) would bring home and when she said you were an athlete, well i thought you'd be some self absorbed body builder, only in it for the looks" your dad said handing sportacus a beer but he refused "you drink?" your dad asked "oh no thank you" sportacus said polity declineing his offer "good, i dont want any drunk idiot hitting my daughter" your dad said patting sportacus' shoulder.

Even though your dad drank beer he knew when he had too many drinks "...so i was umm just wondering..since your a dad and im a dad..could you give me some advice?" sportacus asked kinda shyly and thinking it was a stupid question "well..you have a son and you should now that boys may seem easier to raise than girls but thats a complete lie, in fact their much more difficult. for one: their awkward and weird and sometimes even creepy. for two:....always be ready to be spayed in the face when changing diapers and finally..if your son is into girlish things then..don't criticize that...embrace it, let him be him self...got it?".

At this point sportacus had a pen and paper writing all of that down "thanks mr. (L/n)." sportacus folding the paper and putting it in him jacket pocket "no, please call me reggie" your dad said gaining a liking to sportacus "dinner!" your mom yelled from the kitchen. before you went to eat you had to feed lui but you mom was already feeding him " mom i got this, go eat" you said trying to let your mom have a break "no thank you, my grandson is now the center of my attention and that means he eats first." she said sounding proud "ok" you said shrugging your shoulders, when you got to the dinner table you sat next to sportacus and your mom made what eveyone asked for sportacus got steamed veggies with orange juice, your siblings got chicken nuggets with broccoli (even though they just gave it to sportacus) and your mom and dad got steak and carrots and you got (favorite food).

You guys stayed there for a couple more hours, vinnie and jill (your sister) had been sent to bed,lui was also out cold and you and sportacus were about to go back  to lazy town "I'll miss you mom" you said hugging  your mom "bye dad!" you said kissingyour dad on the cheek "see ya next time sportacus, its been great meeting you" you dad said going for a hug and getting one  " bye ms. (L/n) it was great meeting you!" he said walking out the door with you.

" see that wasn't so bad,was it?" you say leaning your head on sportacus "your right..that was really fun, actually....but now you have to meet my family!" he said with a nother wave of nervousness going over his body "that can wait...right now lets just be us..."

SPORTACUS x reader: kissesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora