Due date

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It was a normal day in lazy town, ziggy was being an idiot, stingy was..well stingy and the rest were playing out side you and sportacus were keeping watch of the town and then "honey...i think my water just broke." you said holding your stomach "y-your what?" he said worried as all hell " SPORTACUS TAKE ME TO A HOSPITAL!" you yelled at the stuttering super hero.

He picked you up by the waist but it was alittle more difficult than usual cause ya know you were pregnant. so he took you to the nearest hospital which was alittle out of town, so he took you into the hospital and told the staff you were about to have a baby "m-my wife- uh girlfriend is about to have a baby!" he said struggling to get the correct words out. after that he doctors took you to the..birthing room(don't judge me,I've never had a fucking baby before) yeah anyway he was waiting outside in the waiting room then he heard you yelling at the doctors.

He knew you had somewhat of a bad temper especially when you were in pain then he started to think..'what if she doesn't make it, what if the baby doesn't make it...WHAT IF THEY BOTH DON'T MAKE IT???' he started to tear up a bit then robbie showed up " hey, sporta-dump..." he said sitting next to sportacus "...not in the mood..." he said obviously scared "oh well i bought you some coffee if you want it." he said handing him the latte sportacus took it but gave robbie a weird look "your..not tricking me?" he said expecting robbie to to something "of course not, your wife is having a baby, im mean but im not that mean." he said before taking a sip of his coffee "wait, my w-wife, (Y/n)s not my wife..." he said looking like he was thinking about something "yet." robbie added.

It was 3 hours later and robbie had left, leaveing sportacus to think about what robbie said, later he went up to the counter and asked if he could go see you "yes, go on ahead, sir." the lady said to sportacus, so he went to the room you were in "hi, honey..how are you?" he said being gentle "hey..." you said just waking up from a nap "wanna see the baby?" you asked sounding drowsy and handing sportacus the baby. sportacus gasped, it had your hair color but it was really curly and his eyes, your nose and his ears, sportacus looked at you while crying with joy then he moves the blanket it was wraped in to see if it was a girl or boy, when he saw it he smiled the biggest smile ever "this..is our little guy..uh what about his name?"  he asked wipeing away his tears "well...hmm i always liked the name lui." you said looking at him "thank you..." he said, stareing at the beautiful baby boy you two had "thank you for what?" reaching your hands out to hold lui.

"Well you had to go through hours of pain..to bring this bundle of joy into the world, so i just thought I'd thank you." he said softly before kissing you "your welcome, honey..."

                                                      "we're a family now..."

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