babysitting for dummies

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                                                   TEN MONTHS LATER
ou and sportacus had left to go save some one (aka ziggy) and you would be back rather quickly so you left lui in charge with olivia. Lui was still getting used to someone else and especially a baby girl living with him and his parents so he just stared at her in awe "hmm what do you wanna do?" Lui asked but getting no response " do you want me to read you a book?" He ask again only getting a smile from her, lui took that as a yes and reached for a book on a book shelf "ok today were going to be reading th-e th-three little pi-gs..yeah the three little pigs." Lui said even though he grabed the goldie locks book and was holing it upside down.

Olivia just sat there and listened intentively until her stomach grumbled and the started crying "o-oh your hungry! I'll make you soooome uhh...grapes!" Lui said while running to where sportacus kept the sports candy and getting some grapes washing them then putting them in a bowl for her "here..but i have to bite them in half for you because your teeth are still growing in so here!" Lui said before biteing a peice off of a grape and continueing to 'read'  "so once apon a time, there were three little piggies..a-and one of them made a house out of straws, one out of wood and one out of bricks every thing was perfect until the big bad wolf came around 'little pig, little pig let me in!' Said the big bad wolf 'not by the hair on my chinny chin chin' yelled the pigs..." lui continued until all the grapes were gone and olivia had fallen alseep.

So lui picked up the bowl and but it on the table and carefully put olivia on the bed and laying down with her.

                                                SOME MINUTES LATER

You and sportacus had just gotten home when you see olivia and lui out cold on your bed "oh my gosh, there so cute..." you say makeing sure to be quiet "yeah they definitely are...looks like lui could make a good babysitter." Sportacus said

// guys geuss what? IM NOT SICK ANYMORE WOOOOOOO!
    Sincerely -C.M

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