The Fountain on the Streets

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She roamed the streets, packed with people.

Sure, it was early, yes, but concluded it is that most of the civilians here at Singashina are morning persons. The stall-keepers were all up on their morning market. and people were all over the place, talking, bargaining.

Mikasa passed many of them, heading to the fountain where Eren told her that he would introduce his friend to her there. She hummed a tune while doing so, a melody that her adoptive mother would sing to her for the first few nights when she entered the family. It stuck with her, because she found it calming.

At sight of the place, her eyes fell upon a certain blonde who was sitting on the edge of the fountain, a book in hand. He was everything Eren described - a bit shorter than they were, round-faced, blonde and blue-eyed. She decided to march forward, towards him.

She stood inches in front of the blonde boy, a calm look on her face, not a word said. A few moments passed by, before the boy himself noticed her presence.

He lowered down his book and looked at her, both staring each other for the longest time. They blinked at the same time, the same pace, and their breaths were even.

"Hello...?" the boy squeaked, unsure. He held his book tight against his chest, afraid that the person in front of him might be a threat to him.

"Are you... Armin?" Mikasa mumbled behind her scarf, pulling it closer.

"Yes- Are you the girl Eren's told me about?" Armin smiled, his voice was louder this time. "Mikasa?" he giggled softly, jumping off his seat. The girl just nodded, returning a smile of her own.

"Nice to meet you, Mikasa! I'm Armin." the little boy reached his hand out. Mikasa, unsure of what to do, just stared at his hand. For a while there, it was just silence between the two kids.

Then she decided to start poking his hand.

"They're soft." the black haired girl said, her little index finger poking the boy's palm. They were unusually warm, while hers were freezing. At a great speed, both her hands grabbed hold of Armin's strecthed out hand trapping it's heat.

"They're warm, too." she giggled, causing Armin to blush slightly. 'She's so cute...' he thought to himself, his eyes locked onto her face. Just then, he noticed the absence of a person too important.


"Where's Eren?" he'd snapped out of his daze, now questioning his best friend's absence. He have had his hands released out of Mikasa's grip, now his eyes were searching all over to see if his friend had been standing there all this while.

"Eren haven't woke up yet." the little girl blinked blankly, again pulling her scarf. Armin hopped back on the edge of the fountain with his book. "Oh, when would he be here?" 

"Don't know." she simply replied, quickly, precisely. Armin had a light thought, before motioning the place beside him. "Would you like to sit here while we wait?" he invited, a warm smile on his face.

Nodding, Mikasa hopped on the place beside him. Armin then took his book out again, and opened to the page he last read.

"Is that a book?" Mikasa asked, noticing the item on his hand. Armin nodded a yes, grinning slightly. "Yes, it is."

"My mother used to read books to me..." she let out a tiny tear, shocking Armin, who quickly tried to comfort here. "This book's about a brave princess, braver than even her knights! And there was this timid prince who fell in love with her." he quickly said. "Would you like to read it together with me while we wait for Eren?" he offered.

Mikasa's depressed expression changed into a happier one in a matter of a few seconds. She beamed happily, accepting the offer. Armin sighed out in relief, reopening his book.

"Once Upon a Time..." he starts, Mikasa leans closer to hear his story.

And the two went on for hours.

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