You're My Hero

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It felt as if dawn came in a moment too early on that day. When the tiniest drop of sunlight reaches a girl whose hair is as dark as night, her black eyes sprung open. The little girl let out a soft yawn and hopped out of the bed she slept on. She raced to the table where her prized red scarf was, and put it on before running back to the bedside, where a certain boy was still in his slumber.

"Eren." Mikasa tried shaking his hand, calling him.

"Eren." Again, she called him, tickling his palm.

"Eren." For the third time, she'd bury her head on the boy's stomach, groaning, a pinch of impatience in her voice.

"Eren, you promised." she started muttering while her face was still planted on the boy's stomach, causing it to vibrate.

And waking him, of course.

"Gah!" Eren screamed awake, causing Mikasa to jolt up. The nine-year-old boy rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms, yawning. "What is it?" Eren said lazily, still wanting to sleep.

"You said you'd bring me to see your friend." Mikasa pouted, sitting cross-legged on the floor. Eren smiled in a goofy manner, before turning back to sleep. "It's still too early, he might still be asleep." his voice buried under the blanket he had just claimed. "Besides, you can't go out with just your bedclothes and a scarf, get changed." he yawned and fell back asleep, leaving Mikasa on the floor.

The little girl stood up and looked at the mirror behind her. He was right. She was a mess at this state, and she would have to get changed. But she doesn't want to wait anymore, and bedclothes are comfortable. She sighed, grabbing her clothes from the closet that Eren now shared with her, and headed to the bathroom to make a change.


When she got out, her newly-adopted brother haven't still move an inch from his sleep. Mikasa slowly creaked up upon him, and poked his face, which in return had him turn over to the opposite side, revealing the rest of his face. It looked so peaceful that, she thought it'd be a great sin if she would wake him up at that moment.

As quiet as she possible could, Mikasa tip-toed to the door and left, whispering to him "I'll go ahead first, then.", careful enough not to make the slightest sound.

She avoided her adoptive parent's rooms, but left a notice of where she went on the table in the kitchen. The girl then jumped outside on her own, for the first time alone, since a while long ago. The reason for this behavior was simple, she was too enthusiastic in meeting a new friend, since Eren was all she got the past month - not that she doesn't like him, he's family, after all. 

It's just that, a new friend doesn't sound like it will cause any harm.

You're My Hero [SnK - Armikasa/Mikarmin]Where stories live. Discover now