Chapter 14: Back to where we came from

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They all stood nervously.

Was this happening? The possibility of survival was pushed out of their minds for so long, it was hard to take it in.

"We need to go now." Claire looked up, grabbing the bag off the floor.

Kelly looked on at the dead bodies.

"Come on Kelly!" Claire grabbed her hand, "we did it, we can go back and return to normal."

"Can we?" Kelly looked up, tears escaping her eyes, "can we Mum?".

"Kelly its going to be fine-" Max tried to input.

"No it isn't Max." Kelly raised her voice.

The forest went silent.

"This game-" she sniffled, "its never going to be over is it?".

Nobody answered.

"Well the least we can do is keep walking." Claire said more quietly, interrupting the silence.

After a few more moments Kelly started to walk.

"I think it won't take more than two days." Claire said, trying to lighten the mood. But all of them knew, the longer it took the more painful it was going to be.

"We can fly back as soon as we find safety! Away from here as soon as possible!" Claire laughed, even though she knew this wasn't the case.

They kept walking and walking and quickly the sky turned dark. Settling down, they still jumped at the littlest sound that would echo from the woods.

Suddenly, a sound louder than the others jumped them out of sleep.

"Its a car!" Max said hushly, not knowing whether to be excited or terrified.

"Its them." Kelly was biting her nails, "Mum what do we do?" She whimpered, "what do we do?!".

"Hush!" She put her finger to her lips and got up slowly to look behind the tree.

"Oh god." She breathed, "its them." She swallowed. The noise of the car got closer.

"Both of you stay here, if they surrender you can come out if not just run."

"Mum-" Max trembled.

"Hey!" before they knew it she jumped out from behind the tree, landing a few metres from the car.

"Well well well." His familiar voice flowed from the opening of a car door, sending a shiver down their spines, "if it isn't Claire." He chuckled, "I think I missed you."

"Its been three days." Claire stated, "we win."

"Whoa whoa slow down there." He stepped closer, "technically we found you before the end of the third day."

Claire looked at the watch, he was right. Only minuets away from 12 O'clock.

"But-" Claire cried, starting to cry.

"Oh I'm only joking!" He let out the most horrifying laugh.

"You should of seen the shock on your face Claire" He grinned, "now get inside the car and well take you back to your baby and before you know it you will be back on your way!"

Claire stopped and looked over.

"Oh are they here?" Chris realised, and the kids soon appeared from the nearby tree.

"Why hello there guys, so good to see you!!!" He smiled and opened the car door.

"Let's go!"

Even though they were driving away to safety.

It didn't feel like that at all.


Oooooh its getting close to the end! I hope you are all enjoying it and don't forget to vote!🌟 Thank you all :))❤

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