Chp 17: Meeting

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"Jiuna, Jiuna, Jiuna.." I said while looking down, after we broke the kiss. "Everyone loves Jiuna, she's everyone's fav" I said with glassy eyes. "I-im sorry, i didn't mean to" Jimin apologised and lifted my head up, to let him see my face. "Life is unfair, i hope im the one who died, not Jiuna"

I walked away, leaving him speechless and guilty behind. He stroked his hair due to frustration and guilt.

I went home by a cab, i dont want to rely on anyone anymore. I still didn't get any explanation from him, about what's happening.

Both my legs were on the couch as i was hugging them. My eyed stared at the tv, blankly. Without even know what's the movie about.

I touched my lips with two fingers, and remembered the way he kissed me. The way he hold me, the way he leaned on me. "It feels weird, and a bit painful" I talked to myself while moved a bit, to adjust my back. The injury was still there and i domt jave any bandage on.

"Sorry about that" i startled when i heard someone talked behind me. My head turned to the way and saw the Lex guy, standing while brushing his nape. "W-w-what are u doing here?! How did u get in here??!" I was quite yelling, and he quickly covered my mouth.

"Dont shout, your neighbours will barge in" He sighed. I pushed his hand down and asked him. "What do u want, you told me this wont be painful" My voice was monotone and my expression was serious. "I want to apologise, what's more." He sighed.

"Apolo..gise?" I asked and he nodded. "I never thought that Jiuna has a twin, sorry for hurting you and im sorry. It's not like it wom't hurt at all, it will a bit" he smiled weakly.

When i was about to say a word, someone knocked the door of my house, makes both of us surprised. "It's late already, who is that?" i asked myself and stood up, walking to the door after i excused myself.

I opened up the door and saw Yoongi, standing with a pizza box in his hands  "Yoongi sunbae?" I questioned, and he smiled right away. "Let's hang out" he grinned. "Sure but i have a friend here too--" I shutted my mouth when Lex wasn't there anymore when i looked at the living room.

"Your friend?" yoongi asked. "No, nothing" I laughed a bit.

As we were watching a movie together while eating the pizza that he brought, my back was in pain again. "What's the matter?" Yoongi asked, once i caught his attention. "Just feel uncomfortable" I smiled a bit.

"Maybe you are cold, come here" He pulled me to him and he put the blanket around us. I blushed immediately when he does that, we were very close and i can listen to his heartbeats. "It's okay, i have another blanket" i moved but he pulled me again. "No need to"

"the necklace, is it yours?" Yoongi suddenly asked. Necklace? I looked down and saw the necklace was still there, around my neck. "Oh, y-yeah. Why?" i asked. I forgot to give it back, will Jimin be mad? Wait, what am i worry about? This is Jiuna's so this is mine too.

"It's just looks pretty on you" He smiled. "Thank you actually this is Jiuna's. We both has the same necklace" I looked down while caressing the necklace with a smile.

"Ah..." Yoongi nodded slowly and focused to the tv back. I thought i can be in peace that night, away from other problems but someone knocked the door several times.


I stood up and walked to the door but Yoongi stopped me by holding my hand and signalled that he will get the door. He stood in front of the door and opened it with a single turn of the doorknob.

His eyes widened but then back to normal. "Can i help you?" Yoongi asked.

"You.." As soon as i heard the voice, i quickly opened the door wider and as i thought, it's Jimin.

He stood there, speechless to see Yoongi and me.

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