Chp 8: Park Jimin

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"How the hell did u get up there??" My voice was loud, couldn't cover how shock i was. "I climbed, of course" He chuckled and looked at me for a while.

"So how is school?" I started to be confused, i dont even know him. How he can be so usual with me? this is even my first time meeting him. "Who are you?" I asked in weird.

The smile on his face's gone, after i asked him that simple question. He got down from the edge as he stood in front of me, makes me stepped backwards a few steps.

"What's wrong with you? You are different" The boy asked while he walked forward to me and held out a hand, to touch my face. I quickly avoided it and pushed away his hand, just what does he thinks he's doing??

His expression changed, his brows abridged. "Who are you" He asked with a face of anger while gritting his teeth. His grey eyes, are beautiful but when he looked at me coldly with lust, it's scaring me.

"Im sorry, you must got the wrong person" I smiled and gestured to walk away but my feet was like be glued on the floor as something forced me to look at him in the eye again. He didn't move at all, but something made me. Our eyes met, but his eyes turned to dark grey, darker than before.

Something locked my mouth and my movements from speak or move. "I ask you once again, who ---" Out of sudden some playful student boys came to the rooftop as they were shouting and running at the same time.

Help me.. I wantes to say it, but i can't. I wanted to shout, but not a chance. I wanted to run, but i failed to. His dark grey turned to a pair of normal grey eyes as his gaze changed to the boys in anger. Once realised i can move again, i didn't waste my time and ran to the door of rooftop as i turned back to see he's not there anymore.

"Whoa, Jen. Are u okay?" I bumped with my late sister's boyfriend, Min Yoongi. He stopped me and saw how hard i was sweating. "I-someone- He--" "okay- cool down. Let's go somewhere else, they are looking at us" Yoongi whispered to me while looking at the students around us. It's back to normal, what really happened just now?

We went to the empty corridor as i washed my face on one of the sinks there and wiped my face with a handkerchief. "Your face is pale, here apply this" he gave me an aloevera lipbalm. "Seriously?" I looked at him with both eyebrows raised and chuckled a bit. "Since i was born until now, im pale. So one of my classmate girl gave me this"

I took it and used my index finger to apply it on my lips. He looked at me with a kind smile, makes me remembered what Jiuna once told me. "I met someone, he looks arrogant but actually he is a loving person"

"So what happened back there?" Yoongi asked. I gasped, the question was too sudden and because of him i forget about it. I dont know what to explain, a guy came and a great force kept me standing still? No, no way.

"Actually.. it's nothing"


The dark clouds were covering the sky, telling everyone that it's a sign of raining. My steps became further and bigger, but my mind still at the same. Kept on thinking about the boy before, who is he?

As i reached my house, my hand was hesistating to touch the knob because trauma about before. But i convinced myself to just grab it since it's the only way to get in and soon it will be raining.

I stepped in and removed my shoes. The house was really quiet, without anyone in there. Before this, Jiuna and I will be loud as soon as we get inside the house and the neighbours will complain about us. But who cares, we dont have any parents to put them on shame anymore.

I started to do my night routine, i went to have a warm bath, wore my pyjamas and make my own dinner as i eat it after. Right at 9p.m, i wasn't sleepy but i dont have anything to do, homeworks and study? Already done that. I lied down on my bed, stared at the frame that i was holding.

It was a picture of Jiuna and I together, our faces very similar with each others. No wonder even our uncle can't spot which one is Jiuna and I.

A smile appeared on my face, a smile of happiness when i flashback when we were children. The lights suddenly turned off, as i heard 'click' sound like the bulb's shattered.

I put down the frame to the bed next to me and sat up. My whole body was freezing, too scared of dark. I stood up and decided to go to my neighbour house, maybe i can ask Mr Tan to repair it.

While on my way to the door, i grabbed alomg the coat and made my way to the door. When i pulled the door behind me to close it while faced the front at the hallway but the door was be pulled back to open as i was be pulled too, into the room again.

I fell on the floor and without a chance, the door slammed shut with a great force before i could get out. I stepped back from the door, and was aware of surrounding. The room was dark, nothing i can see clearly. The only light that lighten up the room was the moonlight.

Without realising, a hand appeared from the dark as it shoved right to my neck and pushed me until my back hit the wall. I winced in pain, he did it with a great force.

"Who are you!" He shouted, the same guy as before. His silver hair that matched with his eyes became more shiny because of the moonlight, caught my attention because too pretty eventhough i shouldn't be.

He gritted his teeth, but i saw a drop of blood came out as it flowed from the corner of the lips. He gritted his teeth too tight, showing him in angry state.

I hit his hand, tried to make him let me go but he doesn't have any mercy and kept on choking me until i said my name with a low voice because he chokes me.

"Jen--.. It's.. Choi-- jen"

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