I turn around and scan my penthouse, looking back a year before I never cared if the lights were on or off in this house. I was only here to take a bath or sleep then go to work. I never spent too much time staying at this place since I occupied myself with meetings and paper works. But since I was back here with Camila the whole house light up, she gave this life, she gave me life. She showed me life outside my office corners, she showed me colors aside from blue, she made me feel what real home is.

Not for long my doorbell rings, it finally made my body stood up from my counter chair. I went towards the door to open it, when I saw Normani's face I throw my body on her and hug her. I don't know but I just need some comfort now even though it isn't the real comfort that I needed. Normani reciprocated my hug and rubs my back calming the sob that I didn't even realized came out.

"God Lo, you're just as horrible as she does." Mani said while looking at my messy self as she pulled away from the hug and walks in into the house. "Come on, let's sit in the couch and tell me everything from the start.'' I nodded and sat at the couch, I start telling her from our little escapade in Cancun to the Lucy incident.

How Lucy and I had an affair before Camila and I got married, how I ended things with her before our marriage, how I thought Lucy had maturely accepted it. I made a mistake and now I'm dealing with all the consequences that goes with it. I can't blame it all to Lucy, I made those actions and I will deal with them on my own risk.

"Why didn't you tell me about Lucy, Lo?" Mani ask and I didn't really have an answer for her, "did you love her?" I look at her and shook my head, I cared for Lucy but never did had deep feelings for her. "Then why?" she look at me intently and I sigh.

"I got lonely sometimes Mani," I looked away not able to look her in the eyes. "But that was before Camila came into my life. She changed every dull color around me and made it brighter as it is, I never realize that til I lost her." I closed my eyes preventing my tears to fall again, I don't know why this hurts so much.

"What happen to Lucy now? Did you talk to her after she threaten you?" she ask with her eyes furrowed.

"I've talked to her two days after she went to my office, I explained to her that there were no us and never will be cause I'm inlove with someone else. She didn't took it well and brought up the videos and photos, but I told her get give me all the copies she had before I do anything to deport her to her homeland and never be back in U.S. She knew I was serious about it and I knew it will make her stop, and it did. She gave me the chip where she saved all our photos and videos, but if another copies of those will leaked I will have men to hunt her down and I won't give a fuck about her anymore Mani. I won't let her ruin my family's reputation as well as my marriage." I said with anger ranging my system but Normani patted my shoulder and nodded before speaking.

"Good to hear that Lo, but what's your plan with Camila now?" I look at her not really knowing what to do.

"I don't know Mani, I want to talk to her but she won't give me a chance. I've waited for her for a week but she always comes here when I'm not home. I can't even call this a home without her here," I sigh and looks at my hand in my lap.

"Don't worry Lolo, I'll help you. I had my ways to know her schedule so you better come up with a good plan and make the woman crawl back to you. I saw how that chick looks at you like you're the most precious gem in the entire world and with that I know her love for you won't fade in just a week." She smirks at me which actually gives me hope, I smiled back and hug her.

"Thanks Manibear," I'll be forever be grateful to have such a wonderful friend like her.

"No problem Lo, you know I'm always here for you. We're sister in soul, right?" she said, I nodded and pulled back.

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