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After having breakfast, Sofia drove us to Jauregui's mansion which took Dinah's breath away.

"Damn! And I thought Cabello's mansion was huge." Both Sofia and I laugh at her reaction. We have been in different mansions from our previous projects this one is just a little bit bigger than Oprah's.

"And I thought Oprah's mansion was huge!" I said with an oh to this house.

"Just wait 'til you see their pool." Sofia smirked and got out of the car.

As we stepped out of the car, a beautiful lady greeted Sofia a hug. I assumed it was Taylor, they seemed pretty close friend.

"You didn't tell me you're doing a photo shoot today." Sofia said to the woman in front of her with her arms on her shoulder.

"My mom wants to throw a big party on Sunday for my dad's 'big announcement' as they told. She organized everything as usual and wants us to do shit photo shoots as well. You know I don't want this kind of parties; it's no fun not like our kind of parties. You should come so I can have someone who could take my boredom away." She smiled bumping her hips to Sofia's, they both giggle.

"By the way, this is my lovely sister Camila Cabello, your photographer for this event and her agent slash business partner Dinah Jane Hansen. They came from New York and just arrived this morning. Mila, this is Taylor Jauregui, the famous captain of softball team in ADAM Academy."

"Aww, thanks Sof, nice to finally meet you Camila." She offers her hand which I gladly reciprocated her gesture.

"Nice to meet you too Ms. Jauregui."

"Oh jeez! That sounds so old! You can call my mom that, for me just Taylor please!" We all laugh and followed her inside the huge mansion.

Taylor led us to their huge living room with big couch. Dinah's face is priceless roaming around the whole living room with a big chandelier made of crystals and plain elegant paint on the wall. Not for long, a sophisticated woman walked down the stairs. She's wearing a black vintage dress that makes her look so intimidating.

"Taylor, why didn't you tell me you have guests? You know we will be having event this weekend so no extra party before Sunday, I thought we've agreed to that already?" The woman furrowed her eye brows while looking her daughter. I saw Taylor rolled her eyes standing up and gives her mother a kiss on her cheek.

"Mom, they're not my guests. They're yours. This is Camila Cabello and Dinah Jane Hansen the professional photographers you called for the photo shoot. She's Sofia's sister by the way. Camila, Dinah this is my mom Mrs. Jauregui." Taylor went back to sit beside Sofia.

"Oh, forgive me on my rudeness. Nice to meet you Ms. Cabello, Ms. Dinah Hansen" extending her hand professionally.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Jauregui'' reciprocating her gesture. "You have a very lovely and luxurious home." I complimented as I assumed she's a high powered woman who loves to take compliment on things her pride can upraised.

"Well, thank you Ms. Cabello. So, you are the one Simon can't stop talking about. The best photographer he can't have. Why wouldn't you want to work in his company? Working in a luxurious company would be a privilege."

"Let's just say I like to work independently without a 'boss' telling me how to do my job." I simply answered her question with confidence.

"A woman who wants to be in control and not to be controlled, sound so familiar." The older woman spoke

"Sounds a lot like Lauren, right mom?" Taylor said looking at her who's wearing proud smile.

"She does, and I did not know Sinuhe has other child. I've only seen Sofia in every gatherings we have."

"I've never been much around since college I moved to New York and manage to build my own career there. Don't really want to rely on my parents my whole life. And I'm not a social person in my younger years." I stop as I heard steps coming down from the stairs. I saw the famous Mr. Jauregui laughing along with a young man, they seemed pretty close though. I didn't realize that I was smiling while looking at them.

"Sweetie, why you didn't tell me you have guests." The man walks towards her wife kissing her on the cheek and wrap his one arm around her waist.

"This is Ms. Camila Cabello, the photographer Simon recommended for our Modern Luxury Magazine. Ms. Cabello, this is my husband Mr. Jauregui."

I smiled at his husband extending my hand, "It's a pleasure meeting you Mr. Jauregui, you can call me Camila and this is my agent slash business partner Dinah by the way."

"Cabello? Are you somehow related to Alejandro Cabello?" He asks curiously.

"I'm actually his first child, and that girl over there is unfortunately my sister" pointing to Sofia sitting next to Taylor.

"Hey!" Sofia whines trying to contradict my statement. "I'm the nicest sister you know!"

"Yes of course you are baby girl" Taylor burst out her laugh, I saw Sofia gave me death glare after hearing me calling her 'baby girl'. I gave her a sweet smile to cover up her embarrassment on my given nickname for her. "She hates me calling her baby girl" I said to the couples in front of me.

"Aw, it's cute. Lauren hates me when I call her baby girl in front of her friends. Sadly she's not here yet but she'll definitely gonna be here tomorrow." Mr. Jauregui gives her wife a reassurance look.

"She better be! You know this event is for her. I don't understand why you have to let her flew to LA yesterday, she should have went straight from New York to Miami." Mrs. Jauregui answered her husband with firm voice.

"You know how your daughter's attitude when it comes to work. If she wants things to be done no one's stopping her. That's exactly the reason why I'm appointing her as the next CEO." His husband explains his defense.

"I agree with that, why wait for tomorrow if it can be all done today? Though, to be a CEO is a lot of pressure, you need to focus and balance everything on what's going on in the entire department. But I beat your daughter has all the determination and confidence to take over your position in your company." I butt in on their conversation without hesitation.

"She does and she's ready. I remember now Alejandro mentioned about her eldest daughter, I just haven't seen you in most occasions we had. But what he missed telling me is he had a daughter with quite a character, not to mention eminent career. I like you. I think you and Lauren will get along with each other." He smiles like he's proud of my accomplishments. At first I thought they're one of those families who are intimidating and hard to approach, but I guess you'll never know 'til you meet them in person.

I smiled back at him, "Thank you Sir. Well, I'm sure she'll be here tomorrow. So, where should we do the pictorial? Would you want it to be all formal? We can also do the casual, typical Mexican family theme? But the combination of two would be great." I suggested so we can start the photo shoot.

After hearing few nice words from the couple and from Taylor, I can't keep my mind on being curious to the eldest child of this family. Even though I haven't meet her yet I find her interesting already. Also to add Sofia's comment earlier of her being "hot" adds my eagerness to meet this mysterious woman.


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Meet the Jaureguis... But no Lauren yet...

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