Chapter 1 - Harry Learns the Truth.

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Harry had heard enough, he was going to go to the one place that would give him answers, Gringott's bank. They would tell him who his parents are, if there are any spells on him and more.

He apparated right there and walked into the room. "I would like to speak to the head goblin please?" Harry asked one at the desk.

The goblin nodded and a few moments later Harry was being led into a room with a goblin he had never seen before. "What can I do for you Mr Potter?" The goblin asked him.

"I have heard some things. That Lily and James Potter are not my parents and that I may have spells placed on me, I would like to find out if this is true." Harry said in a clear voice.

"Very well." The goblin stood and walked to the centre of the room where there was a knife and some parchment. "Just slice your palm with this knife and allow a few drops to fall on this page." The goblin said.

Harry did as he was told, and when his hand healed he turned his attention to the parchment, his blood was making words.

The parchment read:

Name: Raphael Riddle.

Father: Thomas Riddle.

Mother/father: Severus Riddle-Snape.

Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy.

Godfather: Lucius Malfoy.

Adopted Name: Harry Potter.

Adopted Father: James Potter.

Adopted Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans.

Godmother: Unknown.

Godfather: Sirius Black.

"So it is true then? I am not who they made me think I was?" Harry was somewhat happy with this, it meant that he had a real family out there, people who would really care for him.

"Do the same again on this parchment." The goblin said, pushing another piece to Harry, who did the same as he did before once more his blood made words.

Parseltongue - 50% blocked by Albus Dumbledore.

Magical Core - 50% bound by Albus Dumbledore.

Creature Inheritance - 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore.

Mind altering spells, love potion, compulsion charms and loyalty spells detected, keyed to Albus Dumbledore and Ginny Weasley.

Harry was once more shocked. "Is there anyway to get rid of all of this?" Harry asked, he wanted the spells, the potions, the charms and the glamour taken of him.

"Yes, it will cost you 30 galleons." The goblin said.

"That does not matter, I want them all taken of me." Harry said.

"Is there anything else I can do for you." The goblin asked kindly.

"Yes, Albus Dumbledore said that there was a marriage contract for me and Ms Weasley." Harry said, spitting the two names out of his mouth.

"Yes I have it here but it is no longer valid." The goblin told Harry.

"And why is that, they seemed pretty adamant this was happening?" Harry asked confused.

"Well you are having those blocks removed and one of them is a Creature Inheritance block. Once that is removed you will most likely become a Creature and they all have mates, unless Ms Weasley is your mate then this is no longer valid. Besides as of now you are Raphael Riddle not Harry Potter." The goblin explained.

Harry was happy to hear that.

"Thank you so much for your help. If I ever need anything else I will be sure to see you." Harry said as he shook hands with the goblin and then walked out of the room.

"Welcome to right side Raphael Riddle." The goblin said, even though the door was shut.

Harry was led to another room, where they proceeded to removed all of the potions, spells and charms. When it was over Harry looked different and his mind was clearer.

Harry went back to Hogwarts and was found by Fred, George, Bill, Percy, Sirius and Remus, though they did have to ask him if it was him before they did speak, Harry did not look like he once did. He told them what he had found out and who he really was, they were all disgusted with their friends and family, they also said that it did not matter to them who his parents were or that they were on the dark.

"Harry we joined the dark months ago, we learned what they were doing to you so we went to Voldemort. Severus and him gained their memories and they have been looking all over for you, even though we knew they were looking for you we decided to see what you made of it." Remus explained.

That was why they were not in the Order meetings, they had left and joined Voldemort.

"I want to come with you, I have a family out there and friends who are loyal I want to be with you all, rather then those who want to use me as a weapon." Harry told them. "And please call me Raphael." He said with a smile.

"Okay Raphael, hold onto my arm and close your eyes." Sirius said, Raphael did as he was told and within a few moments his feet landed on solid ground.

"Welcome home Raphael." Everyone said together. They then led him into the throne room where they knew the two lords were going to be.

"Sirius, Remus who is this?" Tom asked as he eyed the boy.

"Why don't you ask him yourself." Sirius said as he moved aside so Raphael could be seen clearly. Severus and Tom gasped, this child was a mini Tom and Severus.

He had dark brown hair that came to his shoulders, though there were multiple colours in it, his cheekbones were high and he aristocrat features. His eyes were a perfect blend of crimson and green.

"It can't be." Tom gasped as he stood up and made his way to the boy, his mate not far behind him.

"Raphael?" Severus questioned. He knew that Tom missed their son too, but he was the mother and had carried Raphael all that time and given birth, they had both cried themselves asleep the last few nights as they remembered their missing son.

"Mother, Father." Harry whispered, before running and hugging them, both of the adults tightening their hold as if they were never going to let go.

"Where were you all this time?" Severus asked when they separated.

"Dumbledore stole me from you and made me look like the child of someone else, before altering all of your memories and emotions towards me. They placed with Lily and James Potter, I was once Harry Potter." Raphael told them.

"I bullied my own son?" Severus asked, sounding angry with himself.

"I tried to kill my own son?" Tom also asked, sounding angry with himself also.

"Don't blame yourself it was Dumbledore and his spells. But at least we are together now." Raphael said, hugging his parents.

"Yes, and nothing is going to take you away from us again." Tom and Severus said at the same time, the others in the room nodding.

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