31 The Answer

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I finally get the pair to go talk to Aomine. When I knock on the door, I stay there and wait.

After a few seconds, Kise opens the door. He looks irritated. He says, "Oh, it's you."

"Dang," I scoff. "Hi, to you too."

Kise mumbles, "Sorry." He stomps out of the room. "Hey, Aomine, Ginhana is here." He walks away.

When I look inside the opened door, I see Kuroko and Aomine. Kuroko looks so done with Kise while Aomine looks exhausted. What the heck happened?

I ask, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

"It's fine. Come in," Aomine says.

Kuroko says, "Bye."

Aomine nods.

Suddenly, Kuroko disappears. I don't know if that was a trick of the eye or what. That was always his speciality.

"Ginhana," Aomine calls getting my attention.

"Hm?" I mumble.

He asks, "Why did you come here?" It is obvious that he is trying to hold his expression blank. It may be normal, but something doesn't seem right.

I answer, "Satsuki told me that you want to know officially... if I want to get back with you or do I still have feelings for Haru."

He nods waiting for my answer. He keeps his expression impassive.

I finally say, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you go through all this. It's all my fault, and I hope that you can forgive me."  I bend over with my hands clasped together.

"You know," Aomine says. "You caught my eye. And when I met you, I figured that since you were still feeling for Haru,  you really just needed comfort." He combed his hand through his dark blue hair. "I really do like, but I know you don't like me in that way. I basically took advantage of your sadness."

"But," I say. "I went with you regardless, and Haru and I broke up-."

"He dumped you for your ex!" Aomine interrupts looking frustrated. Sympathy and anger show on his face. "He dumped you. How can you continue to like him?" He glares into my eyes showing his true feelings. "Ginhana, you have no idea how much that I wish you will pick me."

My heart thumps painfully in my chest at what he says. "It's my fault that you feel this way towards me." It really is. It feels like guilt is going to crush me. I don't deserve a sweetheart like him. I don't even deserve Haru.

Aomine says, "It's just so frustrating seeing that you like someone else when you are with me."

I say, "Which is why I don't plan on picking. I don't want you to suffer anymore." I turn away and being walking out, I say, "I am sorry, Aomine. You didn't deserve any of this."


She is with Levi and Armin at the mall. She decided that since both of them wanted to hang out with her, they could come with her. Levi and SiSi are holding hands while Armin walks silently by them. 

Armin gasps, "Oh, I think that Eren is at work!" He runs over to Hot Topic. He looks inside while leaning forward to see better.

"Aw, so cute," SiSi says.

Armin walks inside with the couple following. He waves, "Hey, Eren!"

Eren turns seeing them. He greets, "Hey." He walks up to them. He wraps his arms around Armin in a tight hug.

He pulls back and says alarmed, "Eren! We are in public!"

During the whole month duration skip, these two guys got closer than ever. They got closer as ever since they started sharing a dorm, but they finally made progress after SiSi left them during the party.

"Hey," Kisumi greets coming from the back of the store.

Levi immediately gets on the defensive from just hearing his voice. He gets in front of SiSi, despite him being shorter, and glares at him.

"Whoa, whoa," Kisumi says with his hands up. "No need to get all scary. I can't believe I managed to avoid you for so long."

"And you can keep on avoiding us," Levi scowls. "Or I would be punching your face in."

Kisumi flinches at the memory of being punched. "Not again."

"Wait, again?" SiSi says confused. She wasn't there during the whole ordeal.

"It's no big deal," Levi says.

"No big deal?" Kisumi scoffs. "I had a black eye for a week."

SiSi says surprised, "My Levi punched you?"

Kisumi nodded.

"Great," she says. "Should've done more."

He flinches at her words.

"Okay," Eren says. "Let's not have a fight. Kisumi, I think it's best if we get back to work." He grabs Armin's hand.

"Yeah," Kisumi says. He leaves the group.

Armin's face is getting noticeably red.

Eren kisses his hand and says, "I should get back to work." He lets go of his hand. "See you later. We can eat together after my shift."

"Yeah," he replies. He looks to be in a daze. He obviously has zero experience in the lovey-dovey department. "See you later."


She is with her friends, Yachi and Satsuki. They are on the green where no one is. They are sitting in the grass hanging out. Out of nowhere, Kuroko appears with the most annoyed expression on his face. In fact, this is the most expressive she has ever seen Kuroko."

Satsuki stands up and ask, "Testu-kun, what's wrong?" She is worried, so she gives him a hug.

Kuroko answers simply, "It's Kise."

She sighs, "Seriously? This guy just needs to stop."

Tempest asks, "What's wrong?"

She explains, "Kise has been hitting on Testu for a while, but now he is going too far. He is giving him chocolates, flowers, and selfies."

Kuroko adds, "Now he is starting up with poems and reasons why we should be together." He sighs, "He even says it is for the fujoshis."

Yachi scoffs, "It's not like every girl is a fujoshi."

Satsuki says confused, "What's a fujoshi?"

Tempest answers, "That is what you would call Aisara."

"Because she likes anime?" she guesses.

"No," Yachi says. "It's because she would like Kuroko, a boy, to be with Kise, another boy."

"Oh," Satsuki says finally getting it.

Yachi says, "I honestly think that it is weird, but who am I to judge?" She shrugs and looks at Kuroko with pity.

Kuroko is obviously irritated. Since it is showing, they know that it is going too far. He says, "Can't he just find someone else to fond over?"

Satsuki gasps, "I think I know why he likes you so much!"

"Why?" he asks.

"You are hard to get," she explains. "Just think about it. All the girls fall at his knees for his hot looks. You were always cold and blunt towards him. Your honesty can break his heart if it wanted to. I think you already said words equivalent to that though...."

"Wait," Yachi says. "Are you saying that Kise's a... a..."

"Masochist," Kuroko finishes.

"Right!" Satsuki says.

"Oh," Tempest says. "Well, you have a big problem on your hands."

Satsuki has the most calculating look in her eyes. She says, "I have an idea."

Kuroko takes a step back as he understands.

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