8 Again

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After the problem has been established about Makoto with Levi, SiSi and Aomine, nothing else happened. Haru never came back to see me again, nor did Hinata being at Maji Burger crossed my mind. Before we knew it, a month had passed.

I walk into the student lounge. I go to the couch I usually chill on. I sit down in a comfortable position. I just observe what is going on.

Hinata is the first person that catches my eyes. He looks different. His hait is more wild than usual. His is wearing a big fluffy hoody and jeans. His arms are crossed holding himself as he wait for his food to warm up in the microwave. He is leaning against the counter. He doesn't look eager to eat. He looks... iritated and sad.

As I observe, I began to doze off. I close my eyes slowly. Once I began to softly snore, I feel someone sit on the other side of the couch making me jump. I look and see Hinata eating a bowl of oatmeal.

He looks so bored. He just scoops some a spoonful and puts it in his mouth. He just sit there staring at nothing like he is in a daze.

I watch him some more.

Nothing much happens. He just slowly eat and stare into the air.

I start to doze off again until I hear familiar voices come in. I look at the doorway seeing Oikawa and Kageyama walk in.

I turn back to Hinata. My eyes widen noticing him perk up at the sight of them.

He mutters, "Kags." He clears his throat and says a little louder, "Kags."

Kageyama doesn't hear him, so he continues walking with Oikawa to the lunch area.

"Tobio..." Hinata nearly whimpers. He sits his oatmeal to the side and sighs. He looks depressed now.

My heart hurt watching him. I finally sit straight up and yawn while stretching my arms up in the air.

Hinata turns to look at me. He says, "Oh. Hey... um... what's your name?"

I answer, "Call me, Lexi."

"Okay," Hinata says. "What are you doing here?" He seems disappointed of my presense.

I reply, "I was here the whole time." I chuckle at the fact I quoted Kuroko just now.

He turns away from me. He mutters, "See you later." He stands up.

"Wait!" I call.

Hinata glances at me.

I ask, "Are you okay?"

He scoffs, "Do I look okay?"

I flinch at his tone. Obviously, he made a point. He doesn't look okay at all. I don't know how to respond to what he said.

Hinata turns away and walks up to the couple. He asks with a calm smile, "Can I join?"

Oikawa says, "Sorry, Chi-."

Kageyama glares at Oikawa.

"Um... Hinata," Oikawa corrects himself. He was about to call him Chibi. The name Hinata doesn't like. He continues, "Tobio and I are having a lunch alone."

Hinata frowns.

Kageyama apologizes, "Sorry about that. How about we-."

"No," Hinata interrupts shaking his head. "No need to go out of your way to waste time with me. I'm happy for you two." He turns to walk away. Before he continues walking, he says, "Drop by my room, Kags. I have something to give you."

He nods despite Hinata not looking at him.

Hinata continues walking away. He doesn't get his bowl of unfinished oatmeal from the couch. He just walks out.

Kageyama frowns worried.

Oikawa breaks into his thoughts and says, "Don't worry, Tobio. He will be alright."

Before I can hear or see anything else, I doze off. Bro...


"Ginhana..." I hear Aomine call softly. I don't react because I think it is a part of my dream.

"Ginhana... my little silver flower." I snort at the english translation of the name I made for myself. Is that really him calling me?

Suddenly, I feel something soft against my lips. It was a bit... moist. Like another pair of lips.

My eyes flaps open seeing Aomine's dark blue eyes looking into my eyes. His face is close to mine as he kiss me.

I pull back from his as I gasp.

Aomine says, "Good evening, Sleeping Beauty."

"Daiki!" I say still shocked.

He sits beside me and puts his arms around my shoulders.

"Wait..." I say thinking. "Aren't you supposed to rape me?"

"Hanh?" Aomine says confused. "You're into that type of kink?"

"No! No!" I say quickly. "In the original story, to wake up Sleeping Beauty, the dude raped her."

He looks at me with a half disgusted and half shocked expression. He says, "Ew! Why you read that?"

I scoff, "I didn't! I just saw information on it. Gosh, I'm not a perve!"

Aomine scoffs, "And Levi isn't short."

I pout, "Oh hush before I throw something at you."

He lays his head on my chest and says, "It wouldn't be anything new." He chuckles.

We sit there in silence.

Finally, he asks, "Wouldn't that be our first kiss together?"

"Yeah," I answer.

"Cool," Aomine say coolly. Then suddenly he begins to blush.

"Aw," I tease. "You're blushing." I start to ruffle his head of dark blue hair.

"Yeah, whatever." He says looking away.

I laugh at him trying to cover up that fact that he is blushing.

"Hey... King."

My eyes widen hearing the familiar voice. The voice that changes slightly, but it is noticeable. Motherly to murdery.

Aomine sits up quickly understanding what i did.

We both turn seeing Makoto and Haru. Makoto has a sinister look on his face. He had Haru's arm in a tight grip. Haru is looking away nervously.

Makoto asks with a false pout, "Is it true that you and Aomine is together?"

Haru peeks at Aomine, but he looks away. He doesn't look angry or anything like it.

Aomine and I glance at each other wondering if we should lie or not. Haru is obviously with Makoto, and he doesn't need a reason to worry about me.

I turn to the couple and nod. I say, "So no need to worry about me, Haru."

Haru nods and gives a weak smile. He says, "I'm so glad." He glares at Makoto.

Makoto lets go of his arm and says directed at Haru, "Okay." Then he adds, "See, she won't be there to take you from me."

"That's sick," Aomine says.

Makoto asks tilting his head while clenching his teeth, "Why is that?"

He says carelessly, "He's not an object. Let him breathe."

Just then, I notice Haru gasp quickly. He says, "It's fine... Aomine." That smile is weak as well. He's hiding something.

"Let's go," Makoto says grabbing his arm again. He pulls Haru along with him.

Once they are gone, Aomine says, "Something feels wrong."

I nod.

He asks, "You said that Makoto hurt him before, right?"

I nod.

He asks, "Is it possible that he could do it again?"

I hesitate for a second before nodding.

Not again. Please don't let this happen again, I plead to myself.

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