27 College Party... Yeah

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She is chilling with her newfound friend, Iwazumi. She watches how he watches Oikawa. They are chilling on some lawn chairs... inside the dorm of Oikawa and... whoever he shares the dorm with.

Iwazumi sighs and gets up from his chair. "Excuse me." He goes over to Oikawa and says, "You drunk too much already, Trashikawa!"

He drags him over to where Tempest is sitting. He sits him on his chair and scowls, "Oikawa, you can't drink so much!"

"Why not? Are you my mother, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa giggles.

Iwazumi slaps him upside his head and scowls, "Shut up, Trashkawa!"

"Ow," Oikawa pouts. "Where's my hubby?" He starts to cry.

Tempest asks, "Want me to help you?"

He cries, "Yeah!" She gets ready to get up, but he grabs her arm and says, "Don't leave me! I want a cutie!"

Suddenly, Iwazumi knees him in the side and growls, "You already have a cutie! Let go of her!"

Oikawa lets go of her and cries harder.

"Ugh!" Iwazumi growls. "Shut up! I will get Tobio." He walks away and out the room.

Oikawa giggles, "Yay! I'mma get my hubby!" He grabs both of her hands and begins to shake them profusely.

Iwazumi and Kageyama come up to them. When they do, Oikawa lets go of Tempest and hugs Kageyama by the waist. He says practically panting, "I love you. I love you! I love you!"

Kageyama looks like he has no idea what do.

Tempest laughs, "He really likes you."

Iwazumi slaps Oikawa upside the head and says, "Stop it. You are making him uncomfortable."

"But I love him!" He replies.

Tempest says, "I will leave you two alone." She gets up and go searching for Yachi. She finds her talking to some tall guy with blond hair and a undercut. He looks familiar to her. She says, "Hey, I am Tempest. Yachi's friend and you?"

The guy replies, "I am Jean. I share the room with this drunk guy right there hugging up against his boyfriend. Ugh, I'm surrounded by idiots."


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"U-um..." Yachi stutters timidly.

"Oh," Jean says. "Not you two. You are quite beautiful."

Tempest scoffs, "Beauty and idiocy does not correlate."

"Well," Jean says correcting himself. "Whatever. Forget what I said. I know that you two are smart. I have English with you two."

Tempest goes, "Ah. That's why you look familiar."

Jean's eyes goes from them to someone else. His eyes seem to soften up at the sight of someone.

The two girls looks to see who he is looking at. He is looking at Mikasa.

Mikasa is with two other girls that look like they dragged her here.

"Oh!" Tempest says slyly. "You like Mikasa."

He replies snidely, "Well, I'm not gay like my ridiculous roommate." He mutters, "He better go to his boyfriend's room instead."

Oikawa stumbles over and laughs, "Someone's a little salty! Want some fries with that salt?!"

Jean rolls his eyes and growls, "Maybe I won't need any if you weren't my roommate." He looks really irritated.

Kageyama reaches up and apologizes, "Sorry, guys." He pulls Oikawa away.

Yachi laughs nervously... Awkward.

Jean sighs and turns his attention back to Mikasa. He says, "I'm going to ask her out. Just watch." He walks up to her.

*twenty seconds later*

He walks back to Tempest and Yachi with a look of defeat.

Tempest pats his back and says, "Next time."


She is with Levi taking a stroll in the neighborhood. After he parked the car at his house, they decided to walk for a bit. The wind blew softly in the silent streets.

SiSi sighs, "It's nice to spend time with you, but it is kind of weird to be out so late."

He nods and reaches for her hand. He says, "You are right, but it's better than always eating, then watching a movie then going to sleep."

She shrugs.

He asks, "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

SiSi answers, "No."

Levi suggests, "Then let's go out in a dinner date."

She looks at him hesitantly. "Umm..."

He chuckles, "Don't worry. I'll pay. You are a college student, so it's fine. I understand the struggles. Plus... it's a special occasion."

"Special occasion?" She repeats wondering what he means.

Levi says, "Yes. A special occasion for you and I. You will know tomorrow. Wear your favorite outfit."

"Favorite outfit?" She says cautiously.

"Anything you like," he says. "It's going to be your night." He pulls her hand to his lips and kisses it.

SiSi's face warms up in a blush. She says excitingly, "Okay." She can't wait for what's to come.


I snort as I wake up. I glance at the clock seeing that it is midnight.

My laptop is on the table beside my bed still playing a playlist of videos.

Then I notice in what postion I am in.

I am still in my bed, but I am using Haru as pillow. My head is on his chest with my wrapped around his. It is exactly how I sleep with my covers. I gasp as I let go.

Haru looks at me and asks, "Are you okay?"

I nod sitting straight up.

He asks, "Want me to stay a little longer?"

I ask, "Do you want to stay?"

Haru looks away and turns back to me. He answers with a bit of nervousness, "Yes."

I say, "Okay. Let's hang longer."

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