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The next two days go by smoothly for her. She has Eren, Armin, and Mikasa watching her back. She is about to leave the dorm when someone knocks on the door.

She glances at the sleeping Alexis in het bed. She sighs, "It is one o'clock. What the heck." She goes to the door and opens it.

There, she finds Aomine. She greets, "Hey, Aomine. How are you?" She lets him in.

He says, "It's fine." He looks over at Alexis. He says, "I have a question."

SiSi asks, "What?"

He asks, "Has she been acting weird lately?"

She answers, "Nothing that I can tell."

Suddenly, a sniff is heard from the bed. Alexis mumbles, "I smell Ahomine." (Aho means idiot as well) She sits up on her bed and yawn. She looks up at him with puffy morning eyes.

Aomine says, "I'll deal with her on my own." Then says to Alexis, "Time to get up."

SiSi leaves before anything crazy happens. She starts walking to the student lounge. As she walks, she feels something creeping up from behind her. She quickly turns around, but she doesn't see anyone.

Since she can't shake the eerie feeling, she starts speedwalking. She doesn't stop until she sees Mikasa at her destination.

Mikasa looks up from the book she is reading. She asks, "Are you okay?"

SiSi takes a lool left then right. She sees nothing suspicious. She just shrugs in response.

Maybe she is just imagining it.


"Why do you keep asking me that?" I yell as I throw my pillow at Aomime.

He sputters, "I'm just making sure that you are okay." He sits the pillow in front of me.

I scoff, "Well, I'm fine. Now let me sleep."

"Nope," he says. "It is past noon, and we are playing basketball." He leaves my side to go in my drawars. He opens the top to get my pants, shirt, and hoodie. He goes to the bottom to grab my underwear. He drops it in front of me and says, "Change."

I pout and reply, "Sleep." I lay back down and close my eyes.

He sighs and calls, "Ginhana... you can't be in bed all day."

I groan, "Go away. I can if I don't try." I yawn again and curl up in my covers.

"Fine," Aomine says. He sits beside me and lays on the bed. "I will rest with you."

I mumble, "Good enough." I close my eyes. I feel him put his arm around me outside of my covers.


Mikasa gets up and leave to get a snack from the Cafe outside the lounge. She said that she will be back soon, so SiSi doesn't worry about it.

She is at a table doing some leftover homework. She decides to do it because she is behind. If she wants to be a good student with high grades, she has to get it done on schedule.

She gets deep into her work. After about ten minutes, she looks up wondering what is taking Mikasa so long. But when she looks up, she sees someone else sitting in front of her.

"Kisumi." SiSi says shocked.

"Okay," Kisumi gets up from his spot and bends over to kiss her on the forehead. (Cuz Kisumi... "kiss me"... okay, I'll go now)

She gasps, "What the heck?!" She gets up quickly, but that makes her head hit in him in the nose.

"Ow!" Kisumi yells. He covers his nose.

She yells, "Why did you kiss me?"

He says painfully, "I mean, it is a good move." He tries to give her a smirk despite him covering his nose.

She says, "That wasn't an invitation to kiss me!" She pushes him back.

He stumbles back a little. He doesn't go away. He just says, "How about we talk about this alone?"

"No," SiSi growls. "I have a boyfriend."

He says slyly, "Well, he's nowhere near here." He reaches for her hand, but SiSi moves away from him.

She scowls, "You touch me, and I'll cut you!"

"Who's getting cut?" A smooth voice says coming up to them.

SiSi and Kisumi glares at the mystery person, but standing their is no one other than the hottie, Kise. He says with the most attractive, yet concerned smirk, "Are you harrassing this girl?"

Kisumi keeps a smile on his face, but it is obviously strained. He says, "How about you mind your own business?" His hand wasn't covering his face this time.

Kise says, "Well, I can't ignore a cutie like her." He turns to SiSi and says, "You're Ginhana's friend, right? Let's go." He gets in between the two of them.

"Okay," SiSi says. She gathers her things from the table.

Kisumi gets a hold on her arm this time. "Hold on."

SiSi pulls her arm out of his grip and scowls, "If you touch me one more time, I will punch you, then have Levi finish you off!"

Kisumi looks taken aback by her response. Then it seems that a chill went down his spine... but not in a bad way. He smiles and says, "Okay, we can talk later."

She shudders at his smile.

Kise begins to lead her away. Once they are out of the lounge, he asks, "Are you okay?"

She nods. "Yeah, he's really a pain."

He smiles brightly, "That's great. You seem to be able to hold your own." He glances at his watch. "Right! I have a photo shoot in twenty minutes! I have to go!"

SiSi nods, "Go ahead."

He says, "Before I go, didn't I meet you before? I'm not really good with names. My schedule is usually really hectic."

She answers, "No directly. I'm SiSi. I know you are Kise."

"Right! Because Aomine is going out with Ginhana, and she is your friend and roommate!" Kise says cheerfully. "I remember now!" He stands there for a moment feeling proud.

"Um," SiSi says hesitantly. "Dontr you have a photo shoot soon?"

"Right!" He says alarmed. "See you later!" He jogs off leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She finallys says, "Where has Mikasa been?"

Suddenly, her cell phone chimes. She checks it, but when she does, she couldn't help but stand there in shock.

Levi sent her a text. What he sent shocked her the most. It says, 'Maybe we should break up.'

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