Chapter 35

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They rode in silence everyone lost to their own thoughts.  Nimcraban circled overhead scanning their path, every now and then swooping down and report to Thomas.  At full gallop they tore east along the North Downs keeping to the Ridgeway, the dwarves were perfectly serious now, utterly focused on their role they flew on the little ponies..  In areas where they could look out over the weald, they could see packs of the Har’oloth pouring back from the west like a black scum on the earth.  If they could keep their speed, they were fractionally ahead of them.

They turned South at the very last remaining chance their lead was still not enough to be comfortable.  The horses, foot sure as ever tore down the face of the North Downs at full gallop reaching the farmland below.

Voices raged in Sara’s head.  A clear angelic voice spoke to her guiding her on.  She could hear her mother’s encouragement telling her to be brave, Blaise’s voice tinged with pain as he resumed his role as her protector.  The Hunters warning to keep below the vision on men sounded in her clearing mind.  All these voices swirled in her head as it slowly cleared.  The mortal fog was lifting, everything she made sense now.  Even the reason for this full tilt charge across the earth to defend a realm she no longer knew and to keep a promise she made an eternity ago to a father she could not remember was now clearer in her mind.

They were only four miles short of the wood as the farmland opened out again.  Hope fluttered in her heart, gripping with her knees she folded forward urging Turaanar faster. The next few miles passed at light speed the sound of the approaching Har’oloth tearing through the air. As they cleared the last hedge into the farmer’s field that bordered Todd’s Wood Sara allowed herself at last to hope.

The hope died as hoards of goblins surged over the brow of the hill in front of them.  Their usual snarls were tainted with screams of pain as their leathery skin blistered and peeled in the sunlight.  As a mass, they surged forward cutting the riders off from the wood.

Blaise moved up alongside Aelthal, they cut a swath through the screaming horde.  Goblins fell under their swords like mown grass, turning to dust at their feet.  Any that survived the blur of the warriors swords were either dealt with by the dwarves or trampled under the horses feet.  Turaanar was the only horse that was not attacking the goblins as she galloped.  She kept her stride smooth giving Sara every chance to stay on her.  To fall now into this snarling, heaving throng would mean instant death.

Nimcraban’s screamed warning came too late.  The goblins had been lambs to the slaughter wounded as they were with the sunlight.  They had only been sent forward to slow the party down.  As they approached the brow of the hill, a blur of black whisked past Sara's head and with a terrifying thump behind her took down both Daeron and his horse in a crashing fall.  A foul stench flooded the air where the cat had passed through it.  Vicious snarls ripped the air behind Sara as Turaanar wheeled round never slowing.

Daeron and his horse were down as Sara watched a white light framed the horse, and it dissolved from view.  The cat had hit Daeron its teeth biting deep into his shoulder.  The impact had brought him and his horses down and flung the cat down the slight hill. It clawed at the ground ripping up huge chunks of turf with its monstrous claws as it tried to stop its momentum to crouch and attack the fallen warrior again.  The cats teeth and eyes shone with a metallic gleam, it's eyes fixed onto Daeron, crouching to leap it flew through the air, it’s huge metallic teeth clamping around his left arm just below his shoulder.  A sickening crunch reached her, but the warrior had had the time he needed, the knifes blade whickered through the air nearly decapitating the cat which slumped dead across Daeron’s legs.

Blaise had not slowed on Turaithil, who had pulled in front of all the other horses.  He leant down he caught Daeron’s good arm, and in a smooth move he pulled him over the front of Turaithil.  Sara shuddered as she saw Daeron’s left arm was completely shattered, pouring blood it hung limply at his side, barely conscious he slumped forward.

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