Chapter 27

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“Walk with me.”  Blaise held out his hand to her.

 They had just said their goodbyes to Sara’s parents so that they could go and settle into the cottage.  Sara was lost in thought, so many emotions were warring through her.  She knew now that every word she had been told was the truth, she could hear Linwe’s voice in her mind quite clearly now. 

 The lilac that was streaking through her hair could no longer be denied, from a distance she still looked blonde but up close the highlights were obvious.  Her eyes held subtle flecks of amethyst, she had at first thought she was imagining it but as she studied her reflection in the bathroom they were definitely there.

 Although the change brought a flutter of excitement to her, there was also huge sadness.  She was losing all she was and the life she knew.  Her dreams, friends and family, everything she was would soon be gone.

 She walked with Blaise towards the park, as he held the gate open for her she noticed the concern in his eyes.

 “Are you ok?” the inevitable question.

 “I am fine really, I just feel a bit lost.” She smiled weakly at him, not meeting his eyes.

 “You have been through so much it is a miracle you're still standing.”  His fingers laced through hers.

 “I think the repeated lotions and tonics are helping with that, if I’m not mistaken.” She laughed slightly.

 Blaise looked guilty, “well yes we had to help you through this somehow.  You would have been in an asylum by now without them.”

 “I know, thank you.” She gave his hand a squeeze.

 They had walked through the park and into a small copse, once out the other side they walked out onto the banks of a huge lake.  It stretched out in front of them, reflecting the glorious autumn colours of the trees that surrounded it.  It was a perfect, beautiful place to sit in the afternoon sun.

 Blaise sat down on the well kept grass, pulling her down beside him he stretched out and laid back.  Sara lay beside him with her head on his chest feeling his steady breathing.

 “Please talk to me, tell me what you are thinking.”  His voice was quiet.

 She sighed, she didn't want to hurt him, so to open up was hard for her. 

 “Ok, but you won’t like it.  I just feel like a sacrificial lamb.  If everything had gone to plan the ring would have been put on my finger, and I would have vanished.  That would have been the ideal scenario, it just makes me feel like who I am is worth nothing.”  Sadness crossed her face.

 “How can you think that?  You won’t forget any of your life as you know it.”  He sat up and was looking down at her, a real concern in his eyes.

 “It is not the forgetting, it is all my dreams for the future, everything I have achieved in my life.  I actually quite like who I am.”  She searched for the right words to try and make him understand.

 “I wish you could see you are one and the same as Linwe.  All that will change is how you look, and your memories will return.  In your heart and soul you are the same.”  He wrapped his massive arm around her.

 “How can I possibly be the same as Linwe, she is royalty for God’s sake!” her voice rose slightly with frustration.

 He jumped to his feet and pulled her up to stand in front of him.

 “Linwe has the purest royal blood flowing through her veins in all of Arantor.  Both of her parents were heirs to their throne in their own right.  She is honored across Arantor as the royal princess she is, but never once has she acted like royalty.”  His eyes burned with love he so clearly felt for Linwe.

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