43. "No take backs"

Start from the beginning

Austin continued to lead the way as I followed behind making sure I didn't lose track of him. It was getting dark, the sun was close to setting. Currently I had no clue where we were. But to be honest, I wasn't scared at all. And mostly that was because Austin was here otherwise, everything would be so different.

I think we were on the other side of town, Austin's all black Ferrari was only parked not too far from us. Still visible to our eyes. It kinda made it look a suspicious, a little too suspicious for that matter. My heart started to race every time Austin walked faster ahead of me, I tried to catch up- I really did. But with this boy, it was impossible.

Eventually though, after at least five more minutes of walking we had reached to where it seemed to be our destination. The sun has now fully set, revealing the dark sky and the stars into the far distance. As the only thing that was illuminating right above us was the few lights that seemed to be surrounding the place perfectly. And once my eyes were laid on what Austin was currently staring at, It felt like it had skipped a beat. For a quick brief second everything surrounding me stopped; and I stood there. Actually not sure to whether I was dreaming or indeed awake. It was still a mystery to me.

"You like it?" Austin's voice had broke away from my thoughts leaving me a little startled. He was referring to the huge pool in front of us. The moon was reflecting straight at it. It looked pretty amazing I must admit. Suddenly I turned away from the sight and to face him. His face held no absolute expression. He just continued to look at me, still waiting for a reply to his question.

I nodded in response with a shy smile also. Saying I was speechless would most likely be an understatement. The night seemed to be that it could go on forever; and at this point I really didn't care if it did. In fact, I was now hoping maybe that it could. This was one of those moments people got attached to, those moments you just simply couldn't let go of. It was- ideal.

"Are we even allowed to be here?" I couldn't help but ask, curiosity had taken over me as usual.

Austin took no time in scoffing with a grin. "What do you think?" His grin had turned into a now full on smile. One of his perfect ones of course.

The answer was pretty obvious and now I felt really stupid for asking him in the first place. Even though he wasn't rude about it but more playful I still didn't want to seem like one of those clueless girls around him. "I'll take that as a no."

"I'm pretty sure I've said this before but I'll say it again anyways. You catch on pretty fast babe." He said. And then it hit me so fast straight in the face. I feel so pathetic for even actually remembering when exactly he had said that to me before. But obviously it wasn't something you could forget, especially when it was right after I had kissed Austin. As of right now I am mentally slapping myself for being such an idiotic. I didn't want to be like those girls who always depend on a guy for everything, especially their happiness. Not only was that pitiful but also damn low for a girl.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to Austin, now standing right by his side. He didn't say anything and neither did I. We kind of just stood there with not one work spoken, no noise, no emotions. Not anything. And it was nice. However, again I really wanted to know what the hell we were actually doing here. Unfortunately I had a pretty strong feeling I knew what it was, I still refused to admit to myself. It would be too cold anyways.

I sighed after a short while of still standing there with nothing but silence between Austin and I. "So what are we doing here anyways?" I questioned in an out burst.

It seemed to be that I had caught Austin off guard. He must've been thinking about something, that made sense to why he was just standing there wordless. Moments like these were when I really do wish I had some type of power to read minds.

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