65. "The waiting game"

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Chp65. "The waiting game."
(Not fully edited.)

Dedicated to @SodaMahone for being such a loyal reader, I appreciate you.

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"All of your words, they've been cursed with dishonesty."
Drowning // Banks

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I reached my hand over to the radio, turning down the volume until it hit zero and there was no more sound besides the wheels of the car on the road. It was dark, almost midnight now. I wasn't as nervous as I had been a couple of minutes before, and I was proud of that. I glanced quickly towards the clock noticing how I was only a good two to three minutes away from reaching the place according to my math. I did assume the ride would be a good twenty-three minutes in total. And as the sight of the small warehouse came to view, I was indeed correct.

I parked the car nearby and allowed myself to step out of it, making sure to lock it right away. I mumbled a few curse words once I noticed I was wearing leggings and had absolutely no pockets to place the keys of the car in. I did not have a sweater either. Great. I thought to myself. Though it wasn't long before an imaginary bulb lit up inside my mind and I simply took the car keys directly to my chest, stuffing them inside my bra, as my phone remained next to it. Boobs aren't just for looking great, they're also for safe keeping—amazing.

I nodded once remembering Austin's direct orders. Find Lefty, notify him about Riley, don't leave the warehouse. Got it, and got it.

I followed the lit up room which was not too far away from where I had parked. A sudden burst of thunder had come out of nowhere and it completely startled me, causing me to jump slightly. My eyes darted up at the sky, though it was dark, I was able to tell it was cloudy and of course, ready to storm. Great job, Mother Nature. Couldn't you have waited till at least tomorrow morning? I sighed.

My hand reaches for the knob of the old rusty door, opening it up slightly. I looked around, this time every single room in the building had a light on, not just one like last time. I was more than grateful I had to not go through any creepy darkness for the time being. I walked in and felt the sudden cold hit my bare shoulders. Ignoring the feeling, I continued to walk more into the building.

"Lefty?" I called out. Nothing. "Lefty?" I tried one more time. Again, nothing but the echoes of my own voice.

This was getting odd, though I was not yet worried. I had trusted Austin and he had gave me his word. I knew Lefty had to be here at least earlier before I had gotten here. For one, the lights were on and for two, I noticed as soon as I stepped in how all of the boxes from previously were now gone. There was nothing in the room besides a table, and a single chair. Odd but it was there the last time we were here as well.

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