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9 Days Left....

*Princess' POV*

"Ready?" I said to Jungkook, ready to go

"Let's go...." He said

Me and Jungkook are now fulfilling our main purpose why we went here, to visit her little sister. Since we're going to go to a cometary, I wore a black blouse, dark blue skinny jeans, black converse, and a hat. It's a bit gloomy today so I brought a small umbrella with me...

I went out the room, and saw Mingyu oppa, Aunt and Uncle Kim on the dining table, already eating. I went near them and greeted a good morning...

"You're up this early, any activity?" Uncle asked

"Oh, I'm visiting a friend today...." I smiled as I sat down

"Oh, do you want Mingyu to accompany you to go?" Aunt asked

"Oh, that won't be necessary aunt. Thank you...." I said and stood up

"Be careful! Don't stay too late!" Mingyu oppa said as I replied an okay and went out the door

"So, where's your sister at?"  I asked, standing in front of the Kim's residence

"Near the park here, just go straight and you'll see the cemetery two blocks after the park...." He stated

"How do you know? You're in my bag..." I asked

"We live here, next to this house...." He said, as I was shocked

I quickly looked beside Mingyu oppa's house, left and right. I only saw a house to it's right, it's a bit gloomy. I wonder why I haven't noticed this house before, probably too tired to look around....

"Is someone there?" I asked

"No, my parents already passed away. Only I live their now, and since I turned into this thing, I don't know what's the condition of  the house..."

Although I can't see him, I can sense that he's sad about it. I mean, lost a mother, a father, and a sister. He lost his family, that explains why he's grumpy for almost everyday. It's hard to face these kinds of problems, I understand him. But I don't get the feeling, since I haven't lost any of my loved ones yet....

"Where should I go? Left or right?" I asked

"Look at the direction of where our house is, and start walking past it. After a while, you'll see a park after you crossed the last house. Next to the two houses you see after the park is the cemetery, and buy candles and flowers first near the cemetery...." He explained as I walked

I began examining the surroundings, Seoul is beautiful in this portion of the city. Many well-cared plants that made it shine its bright color, happy people roaming around doing different things. It's simple, but nice. Houses are colorful too, and I somehow noticed that they didn't have litter...

As I passed different houses, I heard children's laughter and swaying swings....

The park...

As it finally came to view, I was amazed. The park was beautiful, and it made me stop and see. Children were running around, probably playing tag. Older people sitting on a bench or on a picnic, couples walking around while holding hands. I noticed something that they all had in common....

They were happy....

I sighed and continued walking, not long after, I reached the cemetery. It's not as creepy as I think it would be, rather it's bright. I looked around to see if there's a flower boutique and saw one beside the cemetery, I went near....

"Good morning miss, may I interest you with some flowers?" The saleslady greeted

"Hello, wait...."

"What flowers do you like Jungkook?" I whispered

"Get roses..."

"A bouquet of roses please...."

"Alright, I'll be back in a sec..." She said

There were many flowers, colorful ones. Daisy, daffodils, roses, orchids. Many more...

"Here you go miss..." She handed me a beautiful bouquet

"Thank you, do you sell candles here too?"

"Well, yes ma'am...."

"May I buy some? White ones would be good..."

"Here you go...."

"Thank you...." I bowed as I paid for the items 

"Come again Princess...."

I was a bit shocked when she knew who I was, but shrugged it off and continued to walk....

I greeted the guard who was standing outside the gates, and continued to walk...

"Where is it?" I asked

"Near that angel's statue, holding a sword. There's a name Kim Umji...." He stated as I looked and quickly found it...

I went hear her grave, It's simple but beautiful. I can tell that no one has been here since it looked a little dirty....

*3rd Person's POV*

"Name: Kim Umji

Born: August 19, 2003

Died: November 15, 2016

Let her soul be in peace...."

After Princess read the content and sighed, she positioned herself on a bench in one of the sides of Jungkook's sister's grave. She lowered her bag and let the stuffed living animal out, he settled down beside the girl...

"Hi sis, how've you been? Oppa misses you, I hope you're not such a baby up there...." Jungkook stopped and chuckled

"I brought flowers for you, they're roses, your favorite. I remember the time when you were still eight years old, you'd cry when Mom and Dad won't by you roses. You were such a crybaby, and annoying...." Bitter, did he say

"But I always found ways to get you these, even buy it from my lunch money. But hey, I loved you sis. I would do anything for you, even buy you a ton of rose bouquets. I promised that I would do anything to keep you safe and happy, but oppa seems to break that promise, like any other promise I made...." Little did the bunny know, his tears were almost falling

"I'm sorry that oppa failed to keep you safe, I'm sorry that oppa failed to make you happy. If only I knew you felt so much pain, much more than I have. I'm sorry if I failed to be your knight and shining armor, I'm sorry if I failed to stand up for you when you're down, I'm sorry for not always being there. I guess, I only realized it now, that my little sister needs all the love she gets. And I couldn't give even a little, when you're still here. I regret not being always there Umji, I'm so sorry...." He didn't handle it anymore, he let his tears fall...

The girl beside him did not utter a single word, not even a letter. She was too engrossed by listening to what the bunny beside her was stating, she didn't mind anything that happened around her. She just found out a new mystery behind Jungkook's life, and it was a negative one. Although she never felt loss, she  can't somehow put a finger on how Jungkook has been this way...

"Jungkook oppa!"


I'm sorry I couldn't update much, it's exam week and it's slowly killing me.

So I'll update maybe three chapters on Monday....

Thanks everyone!

Oh, and yes. It's Umji from Gfriend....


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