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"Why?" Celsie asked

"Kookie wants to visit her sister, and maybe I can find more clues there...." I explained, we're in Celsie's room

"You can't go alone kid, I'll go with yo—"

"Nope, you won't.  I have work to take care of, my parents need me in three days. You have to stay here and babysit those five kids...." Celsie pointed on her closed door, but extreme noise can be heard outside

"Ugh, such a pain in the ass. They're older than me Aki, they can babysit themselves...." Bami groaned

"Unless you want the our apartment to be on fire, our fridge to be empty, their messy clothes everywhere, big electricity and water bills, the bathroom toilet clogged, our toothbrushes in the garbage can, our rooms invaded, that includes our secrets—"

"Alright, jeez smarty pants..." Bami grunted

"But the problem is who'll go with Princess?" Celsie asked

"It's okay, I'll go alone...." I said

"But what if something happens? No ones there to help or protect you...."

"Wait......" I smirked

"Mingyu oppa!"


11 Days Left....

"Why are you leaaavvviiing!????" Jimin oppa asked

"I'll be back oppa, I just want to take a vacation with my aunt and uncle..." I lied

"Take me with you—"

"Get back here you idiot..." Bami pulled Jimin back

"Stay safe okay?" Celsie said, I nodded

"Don't stress yourself too much, alright kid?" Bami patted my head and I nodded

"Call us when you've arrived okay?" Namjoon oppa said as I nodded my head

"Remember, when you get lonely there, I'm your hope! I'm your angel! I'm Jhope!" Hoseok oppas said as Celsie sighed

"You guys sound like I'm gonna leave forever, I'm only leaving for 3 days..." I giggled


"....Y-Yes Taehyung oppa?" I stuttered

If you ask, we're still not okay. I've been ignoring him, but I guess I could forgive him....

"I'm sorry...." He walked forward and bowed

"It's okay Tae...." I patted his shoulder, he pulled me in a hug

"Just, be okay. Alright Princess...." He said

"Yeah, I will...." I smiled and let go

"Calling all passengers of flight Seoul 17 to please proceed to their destined areas, we will take flight in 20 minutes...."

"Well, I'll be going!" I said and carried my luggage and walking to the plane

"Be back before Thursday!" Celsie yelled

"Tell Mingyu to visit! So we can play basketball!" Bami shouted as I thumbs upped

I was now on my seat, listening to a song. I got Kookie out so he won't suffocate, I put an ear bud on his ear, so he can listen with me....

Kkwak jabajwo~
Nal anajwo, no~
Can you trust me?
Can you trust me?
Can you trust me?

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