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*Bami's POV*

"Park Jimin I will kill you if you dare to open that book!" I yelled

Jimin went in my room while I was cooking breakfast, that sneaky shit got a hold of my 'private book' and now he's running around, with me chasing him. The rest of the people here are still snoring in their room since it's still early....

"Come on Bami! Let me see!" He said and climbed on the couch

"Don't you understand what's private?!" I said still chasing him

"Come on, please? We've been best friends since who knows when!" He said running away

"We only met for 13 years idiot!" I stopped, catching my breath, this kid was fast...

"Isn't that long enough? Now, let's see what's inside...." He said and began opening the book

*dug dug*  *dug dug*  *dug dug*

My heart beat raised as he continued his actions, I felt mad, so mad, I can kill him....

I ran quickly to him, took the book and grabbed his collar....

"I told you not to look at my stuff! You piece of shit!" I furiously said

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know that—"

He was interrupted by a punch landing on his face, sending him on the floor, in pain. I huffed in anger, and picked up the book that was lying on the floor, taking it back to my room....

I don't want anyone to know.....

*Jimin's POV*

"What's the ruckus about?!" I heard Celsie say

"Is there anything wrong?" I heard Hobi ask

"J-Jimin?!" Celsie said and they both ran to me

"What happened?!" Hobi asked

"Bami...." I sighed as they helped me up and led me to the couch

"What did you do to make her hit you this hard?" Celsie asked and gently touched the part where Bami hit me, I flinched at her touch

"I opened her private book...." I said

"What?! Wait, hold on. I'm getting the first aid kit..." Celsie said and rushed to the kitchen

"Are the others awake yet?" I asked

"I don't think so, are you okay?" He said

"She punches even harder than me..." I said

"Come here, I'll treat it...." Celsie came back with the first aid kit and began dabbing my bruised cheek. Once she finished, she put a band aid on it....

"Next time, don't look at people's stuff okay? Especially Bami's...." She held my shoulder as I nodded

"Celsie, the food is already placed, let's eat?" Hobi said

"Do you want to join us Jimin?" She asked

"Maybe later, I have to process things in mind. See you guys later...." I waved and went back to my room

I sighed and plopped down the bed....

"I don't get why she doesn't want me to see a picture of Jihoon...."

*Hoseok's POV*

"Bami's cooking slays....." Celsie commented, mouth full and a little food got to her cheek

"Yours is better though...." I chuckled at her cuteness and wiped the food beside her lip, I didn't remove my hand yet....

"Y-You haven't even tasted my cooking...." She blushed and put a hand on mine which was on her cheek, and removed it from her face, but still holding it

"Then why don't you cook for me?" I asked in delight

"You already ate Hobi...." She giggled

"I want to taste your cooking, besides, I want to eat more...." I stated, which made her giggle.

"Alright...." She said and pinched my cheek, letting go of my hand

She put on the apron and began cooking, while I was staring at her from the back....

Dang, this girl hits me so hard. Even her little actions like giggling make me grin like an idiot, when she holds my hand in a friendly matter makes me squeal like a girl inside. I can't even explain how I feel when I'm with her, I even got jealous when she treated Jimin earlier....

I didn't realize that I subconsciously went near her and placed my hand on her shoulders, and she flinched in shock of my sudden gesture...


"I just wanna look...." I excused

"I'm done though....." She said and I let go of her so she can serve it....

"Here, eat up. Just puke it out if you don't like it, it's okay...." She smiled

I stuffed the food she made in my mouth, she even cooks so well....

"Shewrioushly, thish ish shoooo goooood!" I said my mouth messy
(Seriously, this is soooo goooood!)

"You eat like a kid Hopie...." She giggled and wiped my face, cupping it.

"Hopie?" I asked

"I-uh...." She blushed and looked down

"I like that....." I said and held her hand which was on my cheeks

"I have something to tell you...." I removed her hand off my face and held it

"W-What is it Hopie?" She asked and sat on a chair in front of me

"I'm not feeling well...." I faked cough

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" She stood up and touched my forehead, this girl is just too nice

"My head feels a little dizzy...." I said half-closing my eyes

"Was there something in the food that did something?! Please tell me...." She said

"I need a hug...." I said

"What the fuck Hoseok....." Celsie said

"Come on, please?" I said and opened my arms to her

"Alright...." Celsie rolled her eyes and hugged me

"I think I'm lovesick...." I said

"For who?" She asked, still in the hug

"For Yoon Akiru...." I said and stole a kiss from her

"Yah! Jung Hoseok!" She slapped my arm

"Ouch, but I love you....." I rubbed my arm which she hit

"Hmpf, be l-lucky because I-I love y-you too...." She shyly said

"You do?" I asked

"Of course I do...." She smiled

"Then you're my girlfriend now..." I hugged her

"Seriously...." She said

"How sweet...."

Celsie and I looked at who the owner of the voice is, and saw that all of them were awake, except Bami though....

"H-How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to see a new ship sail!" Jimin said

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