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3 Days Later....

*Jungkook's POV*

"You're such a dickhead...." Jimin hyung slapped his forehead

"Why?" I asked as I held my girlfriend's hand

"Just..... Never mind...." He sighed and started to walk out from the cafe...

'What's his deal?'

"Kookie, it's snowing..." Christine nudged my shoulder

I looked outside the window, seeing the clouds drop tiny snow or snoflakes. I can even see the cars having trouble driving, but of course, it's December...

"Christine, it's not safe here. C'mon I'll take you home...." I volunteered

"I don't think many cars are passing, and I guess it'll take a long time for the weather to calm down...." She frowned

"It's okay...." I grabbed her hand gently as we went out of the cafe...

I quickly took off my polo, draping it over Christine so she won't be cold. I was left in my white V-neck shirt while we ran to the bus stop. Luckily, a bus was there so she went in...

"Be safe Christine!" I waved

"Thanks Kookie!" She smiled before the bus drove away...

I sighed happily as I succeeded in taking her home...

But I'm really freezing cold, my hair is now really sticking on my forehead. And I feel that my boots are now puddled with snow...

Well, at least she's safe now....

I began walking back to the apartment with a satisfied grin, it feels so nice to score some points by caring for Christine....

I knocked on the door three times, to be greeted by Princess...

"Oh, Hi Jungkook..." She smiled as she let me in

"Oh hi Pr—"

I started coughing heavily as I clutched my chest with my right hand while the other was covering my mouth...

Princess then touched my forehead and neck, she sighed as she looked at me in concern...

"How long have you been in the snow?" She asked

"I don't know, I walked here from the bus stop..." I answered and sniffed

"You have a fever Jungkook, you're burning hot and I can tell that you're going to suffer colds and coughing. It's better if you go see Celsie, she's more experienced...." She smiled

"Oh, and go change too. You must be cold...." She said...

There was something in her eyes and smile though, two things...

Dullness and Care...

I just shrugged and went to my new room and changed there....

*Princess' POV*

"I should buy him medicines...." Namjoon oppa said

"No oppa, I'll go. You guys rest, must be tired from the shooting right?" I giggled

"Yeah, being a composer ain't easy..." Yoongi oppa said and plopped down the sofa...

"Especially when you're the vocalist..." Jin oppa sighed

"No, rapping is more hard..." Jhope oppa fought

"Yah! Dancing is more tiring!" Jimin complained

"Being both is really hard!" Taehyung joined

"Alright, you guys fight. I'm gonna go buy Jungkook some meds...." I giggled before going out the apartment

I then buried my hands in my jacket, feeling the season really hitting...

I already saw the townspeople decorating their homes, some were caroling. And I see some students going in shops, probably to buy Christmas gifts....

Good thing our school gave us a month off, that's nice...

I walked to the pharmacy while bring awed by the beautiful views of Busan, it's really nice when it's winter....

Then I began thinking about Jungkook again...

'Seriously, did he have amnesia or something? Like, he just forgot the whole "Cursed Love" thing...'

'Well, this is karma for him. Wait no, I take that back. I don't want Jungkook to be sick...'

'Dang, what's wrong with you Princess? You should be mad at him!'

'But you care, right?'

"Mommy, what's wrong with her face?" A little kid said while holding his mother's face

"I don't know, leave her alone. She may be thinking something weird..." The mother looked at me weirdly as I muttered an apology

I sighed and shook off every thought of Jungkook......

As I went in the pharmacy and waited for the saleslady to give me the medicine, as I sat in a chair and admired the cute decorations of the store...

"Number 91, Kim Wangbi?" The saleslady called

I stood up and went to get the medicine and my change...

I took a glance at the saleslady, and she looked awfully familiar....

But I shrugged it off, but then got confused when she spoke...

"Find the cure, and be sure...." She smiled

That was utterly creepy, yet familiar at the same time....


I stopped by the kitchen to get Jungkook some water for the medicines, I prepared a small tray of hot cocoa in case he wants something hot to drink and I also bought hum some chocolate flavored doughnuts in case he's hungry...

What the saleslady said kind of ticked me off, like a really sticky glue, I can't get it off of my mind...

But I realized, their a saleslady working in a pharmacy. Of course, they provide the cure for the sick and their medicine is sure....

But it seems like a really old riddle or something, I just can't point out what exactly is it...

I sighed 'you're overreacting Princess, just chill...'

I proceed to put the food neatly on a tray and slowly tasted the cocoa in case it was too hot...

I then went to grab the medicines in my pocket, and I felt something cold attached to it... 

I went in deeper to find out the mysterious object. As I pulled it out, I dropped the tray I was holding, causing the mug and glass to break into pieces....

The Cursed Love | J.JKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora