The grey wolf was currently half-asleep, his head tucked in on top of his paws. He looked peaceful, even. 

The brunette, however, was on high alert. A few minutes ago, he'd begun circling around in the small open area beneath the tree, agitated, almost. 

The drastic thing that happened was when both wolves sprung to a defensive stance, looking in the direction of the road. They both had their ears pricked up and intense gazes in their bright, glowing eyes. 

I glanced over my shoulder with Liv, "Do you see anything?"

Liv squinted, "Barely. I got my glasses, though..."

She pulled her small-framed glasses out of her pocket and placed them on her face. 

"Do you see anything?" I asked.

She squinted through her lenses and then through the trees, "I can just see a car on the kerb."

"They don't like cars?"

Liv sighed, "How should I know?"

I looked back down to where the wolves were now pacing. I heard a car door slam in the distance and after a few moments, the wolves seemed to almost calm down and sit again. The grey one went back to almost sleeping. 

Liv frowned, "Someone's coming."

"Wouldn't the wolves go to... I don't know... attack?" I chewed my bottom lip. 

Liv shrugged infinitesimally, looking down at the wolves, "The brunette one is staring at you."

I looked down to the brunette wolf, where he, indeed, was staring at me. I stopped biting my lip and examined the wolf. The wolf looked away and to the person who was coming. He let out a low growl that seemed to reverberate throughout the area we were in. 

The person coming sighed loudly and said, "Come on, don't growl at me. I came to get you."

What? I exchanged a glance with Liv. This guy was talking to the brunette wolf. 

The wolf let out another, fiercer growl.

The person, hidden on the other side of the large tree, ordered, "Come on, dude. Your parents are gonna worry. And, Aaron, Mum's freaking out. Let's go."

Aaron? What. The. Fudge? 

Why aren't the wolves attacking this guy? And why is the guy talking like he knows the wolves... and their parents?

The grey wolf stood up slowly and whimpered to the brunette wolf before trotting to meet the other guy. The guy emerged into the clearing and I held in a gasp. Jeremy Asher?

Now, I was even more confused. I held my breath as the brunette wolf let out a quick bark and the grey wolf shook his head. 

The brunette wolf looked slowly up to Liv and me, still stuck in the tree, and then seemed to let out a sigh. Jeremy's eyes followed the wolf's and then landed on us. His jaw went slack and his eyebrows raised, "Oh, I totally wasn't just speaking to two wolves. I was speaking to the voices in my mind. Yes... I know how crazy that sounds-"

But my attention wasn't on him anymore, it was on the grey wolf that seemed to be changing. I cocked my head at it. A small flicker of it's tail. A twitch in it's ears. Rolls in his shoulders that seemed too large for a wolf. The wolf's muscles spasmed and suddenly, I wasn't looking at a wolf. 

Liv let out a loud scream, "Aaron?!"

My sister grasped for my hand and we held on to each other while trying to not fall off the branch. 

I gasped and whimpered, "W-werewolf."

One very ashamed and naked Aaron was sitting on the ground by his older brother, red in the face. 

The brunette wolf let out a loud growl, pointedly to Aaron and then started barking. My guess was that the brunette wolf was a werewolf too. 

I turned to Liv, "This is crazy. I'm not hallucinating, right?"

She shook her head quickly, "We need to get out of here!"

But before either of us could make a move, the brunette wolf began changing too. A small flicker of it's tail. A twitch in it's ears. Rolls in his shoulders that seemed too large for a wolf. And then, in the wolf's place, was sitting one very angry and naked Ezra. 

I let out a loud scream and covered my eyes, "What the fuck just happened?!"

Liv was already moving, "Come on, Vi!"

I didn't waste another second but hopped off the branch, tumbling to the ground. Liv led the way out of the woods in a run, barely remembering to grab her bag. 

I shouted, "Since when do werewolves exist?"

Liv squeaked, "Since when is my new best friend a werewolf?"

We froze and looked to each other in panic before running again to the house. 

We rushed in, gasping for air, but looked up at the surprising silence. We expected Mum to be yelling, I guess. 

But instead she was on the couch, tears rolling down her face, whilst a policewoman attempted to calm her down. The policewoman's eyes landed on us and she asked, "Are you both Olivia and Violet Smith?"

I nodded slowly, events from the last few minutes still running high on my list of priorities.

The policewoman gave us a sad smile, "We were about to send out a search party. Thankfully, you two made it back alive."

"Wh-what time is it?" Olivia asked the woman.

"Just after ten."

"Ten p.m.?" I said in dumbstruck.

Those two werewolves... oh my god... werewolves. They're werewolves.

Crappity crap, crap, crap. 

The woman nodded her head at us, "Please don't get trapped in the woods again."

It wasn't until after the woman left that I realised...

We'd never told her we were in the woods.


Song: Yellow - Coldplay. 

Follow my instagram please: amateurinresidence. 

Please vote and remember to comment, loveliessss :) 

So... werewolves... I guess you saw that coming since that's, y'know, the genre...

xx Sharky. 

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