"Don't worry," I shrugged, "At least, you're speaking now."

Ezra leant against the brick wall and nodded, "I guess... You're from England, right?"

"I am," I grinned, "London actually. You're plain Australian?"

"I was born in Crestview, grew up in Crestview, too, but my mum's from Spain. Dad's Australian."

"So you're Spanish?" I asked, entranced, "That's so cool."

He smiled briefly at me, "You think?"

"Can you speak Spanish?" I asked.

He dropped his head and muttered something I couldn't hear. 

"Excuse me?"

He repeated a little louder, "It's the only subject I'm failing."

"Well, that's ironic," I smirked the tiniest bit.

Ezra rolled his eyes infinitesimally.

"So are you coming to Rosie's?"

"What?" his eyes met mine and I gulped at the intensity of them. They were a cute chocolate brown but they looked at me as if they could see straight through me. 

I repeated, "A-are you coming to Rosie's? Kristy said everyone goes there."

"You're hanging with Kristy and Mark?" he asked quietly.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah. Kristy's a little annoying, though... and Mark's kind of scary."

Ezra smirked and I saw his eyes light up, "No. I'm not coming to Rosie's. Jeremy hates it there."


"Because only the, again I quote, 'popular' kids go there. You being invited means you're in."

"Like a cult," I remarked.

"You could say that again," Ezra rolled his eyes, "I, uh... yeah."

There was that slight stumble in his sentences again. At least we had a conversation.

The teacher came and unlocked the door, "Welcome class."

Ezra barely nodded his head at me before walking into the classroom. 

So shy little Ezra wasn't too shy then.


Kristy whined, "Do we have to wait for your sister? Can't she walk home herself?"

I sighed at her impatience, "Yeah; I just have to tell her that I won't be walking home with her."

"You're not?" Liv's voice asked. She walked into my line of vision with a small smile, "That's okay. I think I know the way back myself."

"You sure?" I double-checked.

She nodded, "And if I get lost... it's a small town. It won't take too long to find me."

I let out a small laugh at her optimism. I said, "Okay. I'll be home later, then."

Liv walked off, leaving me and Kristy. 

Kristy pouted, "Can we go now?"

I nodded, "Yes, we can."

Kristy sighed, "Good because I was starting to get annoyed."

Yeah, get a taste of your own medicine.

"Sorry," was what I said aloud though.

I spotted Jeremy and Ezra talking beneath a tree near the front of the school and frowned. They both had serious expressions and were talking fast-paced from what I could tell. 

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