Sleepless Tears

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See, Dania's emotions are now playing excessive tricks of her. It's more than just a rollercoaster. It's not enough to just feel sad anymore. Instead, she needs to feel this sense of hope so strong that when it's broken it leaves her at the bottom again. Whenever she feels like her life is falling back into place, some new and exciting plot twist occurs. She's dizzy from the daily twists she has to suffer.
Things are disturbing her normal pattern of everyday life. Days flush past meaninglessly. No purpose, no ambition and no motivation. Dania's more than just lost. She's just not there anymore. Phrases, words and sentences pop out of her mouth unintentionally. Every time, they're more sinister and dark. Thoughts crash and cascade. There's no way out. She can find no escape. Evenings turn into mornings. Mornings need to become days. She doesn't want days anymore. She doesn't know what she wants. Maybe she wants nothing.

It's clear to see that Dania is going through some sort of depression. But who could blame her? Every moment of happiness needs to be ruined and transformed into a night of sleepless tears. Even when she runs out of water... Even when sleep takes her to another land... Dania is weeping for the past and future at the same time. Dania's whole being is praying for a way out of the oceans of black water where the sharks bite.

A smile fades within seconds. A laugh becomes a grimace within minutes. A hug becomes a life raft. A hand becomes a foreign unidentified object. Everything has become distorted and disturbed. Nothing is helping. She's being sucked into the black hole again. Except, this time maybe she won't be able to avoid it. This time she might not be able to make her way back. I think she's too far in to even see the light anymore. Darkness has consumed her. It's too late. Sleepless tears are drowning her. There's no way out.

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