Philophobic due to obsolescence.

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The two words I learnt of today suit Dania perfectly in one short intellectual phrase. Philophobic due to obsolescence. Philo is Latin for love. Obsolescence is something that isn't used anymore but is most likely still in good condition. Well, Dania was in no good condition but she wasn't being used anymore, so that's a start.

Obsolescence because of adolescence? Was Dania no longer needed in that boy's life simply down to the fact that they were both adolescents? It was a theory she liked to think about in the mornings when the happiness from the night before had worn off. Her mornings were bleak because every night she was reminded in her dreams that she was not wanted. Every night she dreaded going to sleep in case another replay occurred but she couldn't help it. No matter how long she waited to sleep, the dream always came. It's not that it's the same, no. For some reason, her brain liked to be creative and make a subconscious list of all the things she could have done wrong to make him stop wanting to be with her. 

It is hard to live a happy in life when one lives in fear of sadness. Rather stupid too. The thing that bothers me greatly is that Dania has so much more to her. There would be no way to convey every side to her. Instead, at the moment, I can only focus on her negative side because that is what she is focusing on. Such a shame really. Either way, this story is about the emotional development of Dania, so surely it can only get better from here?

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