#21 Toni and That Guy

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"Hey, hey, hey Sammy, hey" you said poking Sam in the arm. You were being super annoying to get his attention. You felt left out because Sam was doing research and you had nothing to do but wait for him to finish.

"What do you want Y/N?" Sam replied, obviously annoyed.

"I'm borreeeddd" you whined, earning a small laugh from Sam.

"When I'm done, we'll go eat. I promise"

"Okay, how longs that?"

"About an hour"

You groaned in protest and launched yourself onto the couch. It was so uncomfortable and smelt like must and dampness. That's what you get for booking into a motel for $10 a night. Cheap as chips. It wasn't long until you were back over at the small table, snaking your arms around Sam's neck from behind.

"Do you wanna know something Sammy?" you said leaving a trail of kisses from his shoulder, up his neck and to his cheek.

"What's that?" he replied, trying to stay composed. It wasn't working very well.

"You look really cute when you concentrate" you whispered in his ear, which visibly sent shivers down his spine. Sam leant in to kiss you but you put a finger to his lips.

"Uh uh uh, when your done, we'll do that and go eat. I promise" you smiled, mocking Sam's words from earlier.

A small sigh escaped his lips in defeat as Sam began typing again, his fingers tapping the keyboard visibly faster than before. You stayed with your arms wrapped around his neck and your head resting on his shoulder listening to the occasional sigh coming from Sam when he came to a dead end in his research. You could tell that he was getting super stressed so you stood up so you could reach his hair and ran your fingers through it and Sam slowly started to relax and work his way through his research. At one point you got bored just running you fingers through the long brown locks so you sectioned off parts of his hair and started dutch plaiting.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked cautiously when you ran to get your rat tail comb to get neater sections for you project.

"You've got, what, 30 minutes until you finish?" you said, rummaging through your bag "So I'm going to start my own little project that you can take out when your done"

"Okay, whatever keeps you occupied"

You let out a squeak of happiness when you found you rat tail comb and rushed back over to Sam. You had about half hour to make a master piece so you started combing Sam's hair backwards and sectioning it into 5 sections. You tied the sections off that you weren't using and bit back a laugh at the sight of Sam. You got to work on the first plait not doing it too tight because you couldn't be dealing with the complaints of it hurting like your sister used to do when you did her two dutch plaits for her dance shows. It wasn't too loose either. You had to stop plaiting at the neck because there was no hair left so you tied the plait off with a clear elastic. You did the same for the next one and as you were in your third, Cas and Dean came into the hotel room laughing about something. When they saw Sam with his hair half in plaits it made them laugh even harder.

"Hey, no laughing, otherwise he'll look and it's not finished yet" you chuckled.

As the boys walked into the other conjoined bedroom, you could feel Sam's neck burning up from embarrassment so you tied off the middle of the plait momentarily and whispered in Sam's ear.

"Take out my unfinished master piece and you aren't getting any of this tonight" you kissed him softly on the lips before going and talking to Cas and Dean.

"Guys!" you whisper shouted to get their attention "What are you doing back?"

"We went to a bar and Dean here thought it would be a good idea to try and 'drink me under the table' that's what people say right?" Cas said, doing that adorable thing where he tilts his head in confusion

"Hey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven baby?" Dean slurred leaning heavily on Cas

"Don't ask stupid questions Dean, of course it hurt" Cas said in a monotone voice, not understanding the pickup line

"Get him to bed, please Cas, I owe you big time" you said quickly before rushing out of the bedroom and shutting the door faintly hearing Dean say something along the lines of 'Hey at least buy me dinner first Angel'. You smiled to yourself at their cuteness that would probably never go anywhere because a) Dean doesn't "swing that way" so he would never admit his feelings towards the Angel if he had any and b) Cas' "people skills" are "rusty" so he wouldn't even know where to start to confess any harboured feelings towards the damaged hunter. You know what they say, 'drunken words are sober thoughts' so those pick up lines could be a start. You couldn't be obsessing over you boyfriends brother and your best friend's sexual orientation right now, Sam's hair was in need of finishing.

"Hey Sammy, you nearly done?"

"Yeah about 10 more minutes"

"Do you want me to carry on with your hair or do you want me to take it out?"

"Carry on, I want to see what it looks like when it's done" Sam smiled up at you, taking your hand and kissing your palm.

You smiled back and carried on from the middle of the third plait. You were done in 10 minutes and Sam looked like a brunette version of David Beckham when he had his hair in cornrows. He looked at his hair in the bathroom mirror and was laughing.

"I should wear this to the diner"

"I wouldn't be caught dead with you if you wore your hair like that" you laughed walking into the bathroom. You started taking out Sam's hair noticing that it had gone a little wavy from the plaits.

"Aww you look like a cute little puppy moose hybrid" you cooed, booping his nose.

Sam lifted you up bridal style, walked into the other room and spun you around. You couldn't stop laughing and burying your head into Sam's chest to stop you from being too dizzy. Finally he set you down and you put your hands on his chest to steady yourself.

"You ready to go eat my Queen?" Sam said, wrapping his arms around you in a much needed hug

You simply nodded and snaked you arms around his waist.

"I love you" you mumbled

"I love you too" Sam whispered into your hair before kissing the top of your head

"Seriously though I could totally eat right now" you said as your belly rumbled

"Clearly" Sam chuckled, grabbing both yours and his jackets and holding the door open for you.

The burger you ate that afternoon was the best fucking burger you ever tasted and you savoured every Goddam bite.

PM me or Comment a request, they're open and I will get them done as soon as possible :)

I'm so ill right now guys so this is trash. I just wanted to get something up incase i get worse which would be really bad considering how I feel now. I had writers block so this idea is from a prompt on Google Images. Creds to whoever though of that all by themselves. Congrats buddy. I might not be very active within the next few days. Usually I would write an imagine over the weekend but I can't do that because I'm most likely sleeping at the weekend.

Thanks for enduring the trash #1 imagine

Thanks for reading!

-EF xx

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