#17 Night Moves (BSM)

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There is was again. The unconscious cries for help. The cold sweats and raw throats. Sam and Dean ran in your room guns aimed after hearing your screams. They both clicked the safety back on their guns as soon as they saw no real threat in your room.  Dean looked at his brother helplessly as Sam sprung into action waking you up. Sam had a lot of experience dealing with Dean's nightmares when he had the mark. 

"Hey, Y/N it's okay. It's not real, hey. Come on it's Sammy"

You jolted up breathing deeply with tears rolling down your face. The tightness in your chest grew by the second and you were a mess. Your eyes darted to your no longer dismembered brothers and breathed a sigh of relieve. 

"You not? But you were" you whispered

"We're here, look real" Sam comforted patting himself down

Poor Dean was stood in the corner not quite knowing what to do. He knew exactly what you were feeling in that moment in time but he couldn't for the life of him spring into action and help. His feet were frozen to the ground in shock that his sister had to go through what he did. Nightmares can mess you up so bad. Your breathing evened out before you noticed the awkward brother in the corner.

"Dean?" you croaked, throat still raw from shouting


"Take us for a drive?"

"Sure anything, put a hoodie on I'll meet you at the car in five" Dean left to go get the keys probably

"Don't leave me alone Sammy" 

"Never" he whispered chucking you his old Stanford hoodie before picking you up bridal style

In no time at all, you were in the back seat of the Impala. Your choice, it was better to stretch out on. The leather on the seats always smelt the same, with a hint of Dean's aftershave. The army man that Sam crammed in the ashtray - was still stuck there. The Legos that Dean shoved into the vents - to this day, heat comes on and you can hear them rattle. These are the things that made the car ours - really ours. Even when Dean rebuilt her from the ground up, he made sure all these little things stayed, 'cause it's the blemishes that make her beautiful. 

"Where are we going little sis?" Dean smiled from the divers seat


"Aye aye captain" he saluted which earned a chuckle from you.

Dean turned the key in the ignition and Baby came to life, purring. At once, 'Enter Sandman' by Metallica came on.

"Dude, switch it off, this isn't the greatest hits of mullet rock" Sam groaned

"House rules Sammy, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" Dean smirked

Sam looked back at you in sympathy.

"It's okay, Metallica is my calm music anyway. Besides, Dean's right for once Sammy, house rules" you reassured him shooting him a weak smile

You all drove in silence, apart from the low hum of the radio, with no real destination, thinking. Going on road trips really cleared your head and that was what you really needed. Sam was staring out of the window and you caught his reflection in the wing mirror. He was worried. You could tell because he was biting his lip and thinking intensely. Dean on the other hand looked as happy as Larry tapping his fingers on the steering wheel along with the beat. Dean's eyes suddenly lit up and he took a tape out of the glove compartment. He put it in the tape in the cassette player and a familiar tune rang through the Impala.

I was a little too tall could've used a few pounds

"Dude we haven't played this song since Dad died" you laughed

Tight pants points hardly reknown. She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes. And points all her own sitting way up high

"I know, but you always loved this song and I though it would cheer you up" Dean said shooting you a smiled.

Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy

"Out in the backseat of my brothers 67' Chevy" you and Sam sang in unison. You'd both made up your own little version of that line to fit in with the Impala.

The song carried on as you looked out the window. You couldn't see anything until a cliff caught your eye.

"Dean stop the car" you half shouting trying not the alarm him but also trying to be heard over Bob Seger.

"What is it?" Dean said stopping the car

"I found us the place"


"Just reverse back and I'll tell you when to stop" you bounced excitedly in your seat

You found the cliff again pretty quick and Dean parked close to the edge. You three sat on the hood and looked out to the ocean. You weren't quite sure where you were but it had to be at least 3 hours out of the bunker.

"In between jobs, Sam and I would sometimes get a day – sometimes a week, if we were lucky. We'd pass the time lining our pockets. Sam used to insist on honest work, but now he hustles pool, like me. I taught him the tricks of the trade obviously. We could go anywhere and do anything. We drove 1,000 miles for an Ozzy show once, two days for a Jayhawks game another time. And when it was clear, we'd park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood, and watch the stars... for hours... without saying a word. Those were the days eh Sammy?" Dean reminisced  

"Those were the days" Sam sighed

"You guys are bigger teddy bears than I thought" you laughed, snapping them out of their daze

"Shut up" Dean said bluntly but you could see him smiling.

That's how you spent the rest of you night. You watched the stars and listened to Dean's tapes. When the sun came up you watched it rise. You didn't think about the nightmare you'd had again. All you could think about was how lucky you were to have such caring brothers.

Hey y'all, I like this one. It's another BSM but I liked writing the last one so I might throw the odd one in now and again. I've got a good idea about the next imagine and its really fluffy :)

Thanks for reading!

-Ellie xx

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