#4 Sick To Your Stomach

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You were feeling sorry for yourself in your room in the bunker. Sam was out on a hunt and you had the flu. You were wrapped up in as many blankets as you could find. Dean was with you at first but when you woke up an hour ago, he was gone. Must have gone out to help Sam. Honestly? You felt like Crowley was playing the drums in your head and Lucifer was stabbing you repeatedly in the stomach. That's when you weren't breaking out in cold sweats and having restless sleeps. Ugh. So there you were cocooned in your millions of blankets, when you felt a tear slip down your face, then another and before you knew it, you were feeling so ill, you were just laying in bed crying. 5 minutes passed when your boyfriend came into the bunker. You didn't hear him because you were still crying under the covers.

You felt the bed sink and two huge arms wrap around you.

"Y/N baby, what's wrong" Sam asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Sammy, you kill evil things right?" you questioned

"Well, yeah. Why?"

"Can you kill the flu? It's evil and it's hurting me" you sniffed

"Unfortunately, Y/N/N it's not in my dad's journal but, I do know a couple of tricks to make you feel better" Sam said before unraveling you and tucking you in properly. It was the most comfortable you'd been all day.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes, I need to go to the store quickly. I wont be long" he said, kissing your forehead.

"No! Dont kiss me! You'll get ill too. You need to save the world so we don't all crash and burn. The world cant end because you catch the flu!" you exclaimed

"The world can wait because I love my girlfriend and can kiss her all I want" Sam smiled and kissed your cheek to prove a point.

"I love you too" you smiled, blushing.

He rushed out the door as you were left on the bed blushing and smiling like an idiot.

As promised, 10 minutes later, Sam was back in your room with buttered crackers and two bottles of Lucozade. He really knew you well. Your mum used to make this for you when you got ill because, for some odd reason, it was the only thing that would settle your stomach.

"So" Sam said standing at your shelf full of box sets "We have The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Friends, Arrow, The Flash, The Originals, Gilmore Girls or Pretty Little Liars?"

"The Vampire Diaries" you said with a smile on your face, Sam hated the show because of how inaccurate the vampires look.

"Okay" Sam says with a chuckle and puts the dvd in the TV.

"Come on! Stefan's way better for her than Damon, even Damon said it, they're toxic!" Sam was stating in an little argument you two were having. Stelena vs Delena.

"But Elena helps Damon be good and good Damon means happy people and Damon only says the relationship is toxic because he's scared of hurting Elena! So even when he's breaking up with her, its to protect her. Making your point invalid" you protested, you'd had this argument many times with Charlie, you were used to fighting in the Delena corner.

"Stefan and Elena are high school sweet hearts, as Stefan said, you never forget your first love no matter how badly it ended. Delena is based on a sire bond, not a true connection like Stelena"

That one line always got to you.

"How in hell is it based off a sire bond?! In season 3 was Elena a vampire? Don't think so but they still went and kissed with bucket loads of passion. When the sire bond was broken, did they break up? No! Delena never has and never will be based off a sire bond" you said angrily as if Sam had insulted your mother.

"Okay, okay you win please don't hurt me" Sam joked putting his hands up in surrender.

You laughed and lie back down on the bed, Sam lie next to you and stroked your hair. You shifted so you were on his chest. Every time you were in his arms, you relaxed instantly. It was like you were melting to his touch. You started to fall asleep quite quickly, not into a restless sleep but into a peaceful one where you dreamed about happier things. Just before you slipped away into the land of dreams, you heard Sam say,

"I love you Y/N"

You snuggled in closer to him. You really did love your Sam Winchester.

Its half term! Should be updating more often since a certain someone went off to Ireland without me :( (You know who you are...) (Love ya really) Enjoy le imagine

-Ellie xx

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