#10 Saving People, Hunting Things, The family Business (BSM)

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Typical, you were in the bunker's library like a good little Winchester while your brothers were out on a hunt. Sounded like a ghosty kind of thing. Most ghosts were simple, salt and burn the bones or find the object they're attached to and salt and burn that. Easy to handle, but no, you had biology homework to do. Your older brothers were at some sort of hotel called the Empire Hotel. Sam searched it up before they left and it turned out it was five stars, the only time they get a nice place to stay and you were left in the bunker. You were half way through memorizing the different parts or the heart when you heard a flutter of wings and you were face to face with the Trickster.

"Gabriel, man don't so that you'll give someone a heart attack one day" you laughed, hitting him in the chest. Gabriel often came to visit you when your older brothers left you behind, the boys never knew because if they did, you and Gabe would both be dead. Metaphorically and in Gabriel's case, literally.

"Y/N, this isn't a casual visit, your brothers are in trouble, get your duffel bag. We have to save them" he said frantically running to your room

You always kept a packed duffel bag under your bed when the boys went without you for this exact reason. Once the duffel bad was retrieved, you and Gabriel vanished into thin air. Teleportation was a weird feeling, you felt like you were flying and falling at the same time. Gabriel had teleported to the hotel room your brothers had booked into and you started rummaging through their stuff to find some information.

"Awesome, Mary Dukes was buried about a mile out from here. Take these and this address and go now, I have to save my stupid big brothers" you said thrusting salt, gasoline, a lighter and a piece of paper into Gabriel's hands. He stood rooted to the spot for a few seconds before he sprung into action and vanished to the grave yard.

You loaded your sawed off shotgun with rock salt shells, put extra in your pocket and took the iron crowbar and EMF reader out of your duffel bag. The small bottle of salt you carried with you also went in your pocket. Your Colt with an engraved slide and ivory grips that Dean gave you for your 16th birthday went in your waist band just for safety measures.

The hallway you went down was dark and cold so you knew the ghost had to be here. You quickly whip out your EMF reader to double check and sure enough it was going off the charts, you returned it to your pocket and kept your guard up. You aimed your shotgun around a corner to find a massive door leading to the basement. Really? Ghosts had not originality these days. They could've picked the penthouse suite but no the basement was their first choice. You picked the lock on the basement door and slid in, still aiming your shotgun at any sound you heard. It wasn't long before you were on your knees, taking out the knife you always kept in your boot and cutting the ropes that your brothers were tied up with.

"You don't need me yeah?" You whisper as you cut Sam's ropes

"Y/N it's all well and good you coming to untie us but what are we going to do about her" Dean points in the direction of the now ghost who was standing in the door way. She looked pissed.

"I've got it covered" you said as you whipped out the bottle of salt and drew a circle with it, stepping in. You threw Dean the shotgun and Sam the crow bar. They were a lot more experienced with fighting ghosts and that was one thing you would agree that they were better than you at. You watched helplessly as Dean and Sam fought off the ghost.

Come on Gabe!

Mary threw the shotgun across the room and Dean was left defenceless against a wall. She ran fast towards him but just as she was 6 inches from him she burst into flames.

Sam and Dean looked confused at you.

"You don't have some weird power that we don't know about do you?" Dean questioned, keeping his distance.

"You didn't think I'd run in here, guns blazing without a backup plan did you?" You asked bewildered "Gabriel was at the hotel when you guys got captured, he came and got me and he's the one who burnt the bones, I'm 17, not stupid"

"You did us proud kiddo" Dean said ruffling your hair

Just as you were leaving the hotel room after packing up your stuff, you heard a flutter of wings.

"So much for my R&R weekend" Gabriel chuckled, sitting down on one of the beds

"Thanks Gabe, you did good" you said winking at him when your brothers weren't looking

"So you were just in the hotel when the ghost happened to take Dean and I?" Sam questioned

"Yeah I mean what a coinkidink" Gabe laughed before teleporting away with the sound of his fluttering wings.

"Weird. Anyway we're proud of you Y/N, you didn't do anything stupid, you saved our lives and finished the case. You did good" Sam said engulfing you in a hug

"It felt so natural"

"That's because you're a Winchester" they both said in unison

"Okay Twins from the Shining, let's get on the road"

Dean drove while you and Sam were in the back. You had your head on Sam's lap and he was tracing circles of your arm like he used to when you were really small.

"I miss you when you go on hunts you know" you whispered so only Sam could hear you over the quiet hum of Dean singing Metallica.

"I miss you too kiddo, I wish that you could come with us but Dean can't bring himself to put you in danger. After today though, I'm pretty sure he'll let you come on some salt and burns. You'll work your way up until you can come with us on every case. We just don't want you fully in the life until you finished your A-Levels okay?" Sam whispered equally as quiet

You nodded in response "I love you Sammy, I wish we could hang out more like we used to, I wish you could sit and read to me like you used to when I had a nightmare" you sighed

"I can still do those things you know, just not all the time. If you ever have a nightmare while we're on a case, just pick up the phone no matter how late it is, I'll always be on the other end, telling you everything's going to be fine. It always is Y/N because you're a Winchester. You're strong and brave and that's why Dean and I love you little sis" Sam said softly still tracing circles on your arm

You smiled, snuggling into his lap more. The only thing that broke the silence was Dean singing softly in the front and all you could think about was how lucky you are.

Hey! I know this isn't a Sam Winchester imagine as such but I saw the BSM (Brother Sister Moment) books around and I read one and I really liked it so I decided to make a little imagine myself about it.
Let me know what you thought of it

Thanks for reading!

-Ellie xx

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