#12 Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal

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"Sam, why is there tinsel in my room?!" You heard Dean yell, you chucked to yourself because your boyfriend was getting stick for your over board Christmas spirit.

The truth was that you had put tinsel over some on the guns on Dean's wall and put a little Christmas tree on his desk. Christmas was your favourite time of year and the lack of Christmas spirit from the Winchesters was starting to bug you. They'll start getting festive in December just you wait. You thought until December 10th when you thought enough was enough, so you took matters into your own hands and decorated the bunker. It looked amazing.

"I didn't Jerk, when have I ever even touched tinsel?!" Sam yelled back, clearly annoyed.

You skipped around the bunker checking all your decorations before skipping to Dean's room.

"Dean-o how's life?" you said standing in his doorway.

"You... I don't do Christmas. Period." Dean snarled

"Well now you do, stop being an assbutt and embrace the Christmas spirit"

Dean picked up the mini tree, ripped the plug for the lights out of its socket and threw them out of the door before doing the same with the tinsel. You picked up your now broken mini tree and walked off mumbling "fine have it your way"

You sat cross legged on yours and Sam's bed and tried to put your Christmas tree back together. Even though it was fake, it was sentimental. It was one of the mini trees your Nanny had given you. You thought the Winchesters were special enough to share the cute little trees with but obviously you were wrong. You turned your attention to the little lights that were still half on the tree but the end of the wire attached to the plug was broken where Dean ripped it out of the wall. You were grateful that there wasn't only one mini Christmas tree but there was now one missing from the set, that bugged you like mad.

You came to the conclusion that the Winchesters didn't want Christmas so you went around the bunker and took down all of the decorations you had spent hours putting up. They were all placed in a small box and put in the corner of yours and Sam's shared bedroom. By the time you had done this its was 11:30pm and you were exhausted and kind of upset from putting up and taking down decorations so you went to bed without even waiting for Sam.

Sam's POV
I'd just finished getting up all the information for the next hunt and I left the library quite happy with myself. I walked the halls and I realised, all of the decorations Y/N had spent hours putting up were all gone accept for a rogue piece of tinsel outside Dean's door. I knocked on Dean's door before going in, not bothering to wait for an answer.

"Dude, uh privacy? Dean said, clearly pissed off

"Dude, uh I don't care. What did you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are all of Y/N's Christmas decorations gone?"

"Don't know, don't care. They were bugging me anyway. I mean she put tinsel in my room"

"Y/N loves Christmas, she was trying to do something nice for us what did you do?" I demanded

"I threw the damn tree and the tinsel out my room, it's not a big deal. She didn't have to take the whole decorations down. I just didn't want them in my room. The last time we celebrated Christmas was just before I went to hell so I don't particularly want to be reminded of that time thank you very much"

"Dean, those mini trees were her Nan's, Christmas was her and her Nan's favourite time of year. I bet you made her feel like crap so she took down all the decorations. I know it's hard to celebrate Christmas for you but it's hard for Y/N not to. You have to get over this. Look come help me do something for Y/N, to say sorry from you and a cute little thing from me"

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