Who Needs This Crap When You Got Friends?

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Chanel’s POV

Dead. Dead. Dead.Blood.Blood.Blood.Vomit.Vomit.vomit

“And how have you been feeling, chanel?”

“Fine.” Her cold eyes stare at me unblinking.

“Are you sure? Im here to help Chanel,”

“Im fine, honest. Though sometimes I find it hard to sleep,”

“Is something on your mind is it Sandra Adams?”

Ahhhhhhh. Running running running running. Dead. Dead, dead.

“No.” What else is there to say? If I say anything about Sandra they will be sending me off in a strait jacket quicker than you can say ‘mental’

“Well, okay Chanel if you’re sure?”

“Yes I’m sure,” Was this woman deaf just gimmie the pills and let me get the fuck out of here!

“Well I can subscribe you some pills.” Mrs Batmon stood up and pushed her black rimmed glasses further up her nose she walked around her wooden desk and looked through some papers, she asked me to sign a green coloured doctor’s note, then walked over to the cupboards along the left of the wall. “Here,” she said handing me a small bottle of Orange coloured pills. “Take two every night before you go to bed.” She looked at me one more time and then turned to sit back in her seat “Please feel free to visit me any time.” She looked at me reassuringly but her tone was like any therapist-Fake. I nodded not having the energy to say any more and left the room shutting the door silently.

I looked at the pill bottle and slipped it into my Blue blazer Pocket. Lydia and I had a week off school- if it was needed. Lydia being school president denied it and said “I don’t need people think I’m losing it. I have a school to represent and help get through this troublesome time.” I on the other hand took the week off school gladly it was Sunday and I had to start lessons again Monday. I decided I could do with some sleep and headed back to my dorm on my way I passed the Girls Toilets and the images of Sandra flashed through my mind. I stopped walking and buried my head in my hands. I was losing it-seriously My hands shook violently to emphasise my point-I  couldn’t sleep I had dark circles under my eyes and I hardly ever spoke.  Nothing was right anymore, I was angry and scared and totally messed up. Why the hell was this school not shut down or anything? what the hell were the police doing? Letting a murderer just walk around the school, what the fuck!

I wasn’t sleepy anymore.  I turned around heading towards Naydine’s dorm. I knocked on the door, I knew she would be in because Naydine and Maneesha were always bunking off lessons. Maneesha opened the door looked at me and allowed me inside “Hi” she said as I walked in. She shut the door behind me and sat on the floor cross legged next to Naydine. I joined them and sat down crossing my legs next to them, in a circle shape. “Hi” Naydine send absently she was rolling up a joint of a green Plant “what’s that?” I asked shocked “weed.” Naydine said as if it was just chocolate ice-cream “so you do drugs now?” I asked appalled.

“Were not druggies” Maneesha said quickly, “Just a few smokes, like.”

“Right” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.  Naydine laughed.

 “Relax Chanel, you’re always so tense and you’re Looking Kinda rough, here.” Her hand went out as she passed me the weed rolled up like a smoke.  Random questions just popped up in my head what’s happening to me? Am I actually considering smoking this? Before I could answer my head Maneesha Lighted the smoke and I took it holding it close to my mouth.

 How was I meant to do this? Erm just put it in and blow? I started to Laugh. Naydine and Maneesha looked at me like I was already high. It was kinda funny though it was like I was considering how to give a Blowjob. I laughed again nearly dropping the Smoke. Hey, I might as well try it; just thinking about it is making me feel better. Not a blow job smoking weed. I breathed it in and breathed it out then Let the weed take me away…

I woke up in my dorm it was around 8o clock Kelly and Nichole were Playing on their Nintendo Ds’s I could hear the sound of Mario, I rolled my eyes. I felt groggy but apart from that I felt pretty good, maybe I way still high On weed. OMG I was high on weeed. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeed . w-e-e-d. I started to laugh. Kelly and Nichole looked up from there Ds’s to look at me.

 “Hey you guys!” I said and went over to give them a cuddle. They both inched away from me when I started squeezing their cheeks “You two are the Bees knees the business the Honey in that net thingy the black and yellow fur.” I rolled over Laughing at myself. “Wanna Know a secret?” I whispered in Nichole’s ear she Pushed me away. “What?” she said. “I smoked some weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed” and poked Kelly in the nose. “You guys know what that is? It’s weed. I tell yah w-e-e-d. Like yanoe weed.” I sniggered. Oh crap I really was high. I saw Kelly stand up. Nichole was just staring at me, smiling a Bit. “Arghhhhhhhhh!” I screamed a sudden gush of water fell over me Kelly stood with the empty cup laughing her ass off, Nichole joining in. “Oh you guys.” I said dragging out the Guys Nichole smacked me in the Face. Ok I was fully awake now. “What the fuck?” I thought I shouted but it was barely a whisper. “ You interrupted our game because you were high, we needed to smack you out of it and we have Now I can back to kicking Nichole’s ass.”

“Heeeeeeey! I was beating you”

“Whatever,” Kelly said as I heard the sound of Mario start up again.

I stood up “Okay I’m gonna like watch movie or something,”

I don’t think they really heard me. Nichole swore “SHIT!” Kelly Laughed “Yeah sure you were beating me” she replied sarcastically. Boys will be boys I thought and left the room in my Pyjamas.

 I was heading toward the entertainment room when I heard People talking. It was Lydia and Ryan. Gosh this was such good gossip Trouble in paradise I thought. I hid pressing my back up against the wall, the door was wide open so I could hear everything. The lights were off so I doubt they could see me anyways. They stopped talking Oh crap had they seen me?  I peeked into the room, Mother Eff They were kissing I mean Proper Kissing Bloody hell I didn’t Know Little Ryan had it in him. Then again he did cheat on Lydia-with a Guy so he obviously wasn’t as innocent as everyone thought. My eyes Popped out of my head They weren’t Just kissing anymore. Were they gonna Like DO IT in the entertainment room ewwww dude s I have to sit on that chair. Just then I heard Moaning Hell to the No. I Turned the Lights on. They stopped immediately and Lydia Jumped away from Ryan straight away. Ryan Looked from me to Lydia and quickly left the room. How gay. “Woman. I mean Man of few words"

“I. will Cut. you” Lydia said. Righttttt because you nearly had sex with a Gay man or because you got caught I really wanted to say this but she Looked mad and I was little scared she was gonna thump me. She walked passed me without saying a word. I looked at the sofa. Does this mean people have been doing it on that sofa.  Ewwwwwww, think of the germs! I didn’t feel like watching a Movie anymore so headed back to my dorm. The boys were still playing Mario. I sat on a beanbag and smiled. Yeah girls were being killed and yeah I was a total pervert but I still had my friends. “Fuck!” Kelly shouted I jumped. Nichole stood up and danced “I beat youuu, I beat you!” I laughed.

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