Kiss and tell

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Nichole's POV. 

I couldn't believe what I was watching. Ryan was kissing conner b. This was... It was shocking. I had a hard time understand if this was not a dream. I pinched my arm to make sure and good did it hurt, Rachel always told me my pinches hurt but I never thought they were this bad. 

I tried to clear my unfocused mind and get back to the present. I wonder if Lydia know that Ryan was gay. This would explain why she never wanted to kiss him. It would alway explain the relieved expression that he had when he got turned down. 

I silently watched them kiss and god I don't even now if this was kissing any more. This was full on snogging and I'll tell you I was not liking it- I bet Chanel would have wanted to see this. 

I turned as I heard quick footsteps coming down the corridor in my direction. It was chloe. She stumbled back, her eyes almost falling out of their sockets. Oh no she had seen, no wait, whats so bad about that. She looked at me with utter shock and what also seemed to be slight disgust in her eyes. Oh goodness me, I hope she wasn't a homophobe, I hate people who are like that- don't get me wrong I'm completely straight though. 

She began to step back, and like a weirdo I instinctively took a step forward. She gazed at me in wonder, probably trying to work out what the hell I was doing and seriously, I didn't know what I was doing. She swiftly turned and bolted down the corridor. Oh no, I know lydias not going to like this or the fact I was standing here doing nothing.

I looked over at Ryan who now seemed to hold the look of terror and to tell you the true I didn't blame him because all he'll was going to brake loss. 

I met up with Chanel at the church... Or maybe it was a monastery, well anyway, I met up with her there. I tried to discise my face to look normal but I would have to fill her in on the latest gossip when there was no one else around. I stood next to rachel and Kelly and laughter at the look of amazement on channels face as she once again observer the intereior of the chuch. Everyone began to sing 'kumbya my lord' but I just went along lip singing. I saw Lydia come and and watched cloe wisper to Lydia. I tried to keep my face straight but I could feel my lip twitching. This is really bad but there was nothing I could do in the middle of mass. I turned to see Ryan next to Lydia but he was slowly inching away from her. He looked back but I could only give him a sympathetic smile. I really hope he doesn't get the crap beat out of him because I new Lydia could set that kind of thing up, especially if she got humiliated. 

I guess I will have to sit back, hope I don't get dragged into this mess and let everything take it's course.    

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