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I was so happy for my best friend , I couldn't express my feelings in words.
But the party she was throwing was a really big one.  Her parents were so proud of her.
She invited everyone!
School friends,  neighbors,  Aquaintainces , everyone! And when I say everyone,  Josh was invited too.

My crush! person of my dreams ! A perfect pack of everything in a one guy.

I got this pimple, which makes me look horrible more than before, Jane knows everything about me,  even about Josh.

I called her... 
She knew I wasn't comfortable around him. But still she invited him.

(Jane's cell rings.....)

J?  - Jane

Um,  yeah!  Hey! -me

What's up buddy?  -jane

Nothing,  just wanted to congratulate you again for your success!  I'm so happy for you that you can't believe.

Yeah, yeah, I know 'bout that! So you ready for the party?  -jane

Mm,  yeah!  That... That..  That party!

You Ohkay? Josh's coming too! -Jane

Yeah,  buddy you know I'm not comfortable around him,  I'm sure that I'm gonna do anything stupid in the party and make fun of me...  And it all will be a mess.  Also I got a pimple and look too horrible with that...  Horrible than before!  And I don't wanna ruin your party,  so srry dude, I won't be there.  -me

Whoa! whoa!  Calm down girl! Are you nuts?  What the hell are you saying?  I'm gonna cancel everything, if your not here!  - Jane

Hey buddy!  Try to understand.- me

Nope!  I don't!  And I won't!  You have to come,  means you have to,  and plus party's at evening,  and before that I'm coming at your place and I'll give you a complete makeover! You'll rock the party!  So no more excuses,  just open the door...  I'll be there anytime,  and be ready!  Bye bye bye! - Jane

But?  -me

( Jane hangs the phone.....)


Hey guys! Hope you liked the story...  Next update is coming soon.  Till then please vote for my story and do send your suggestions or views below I'm the comments.  Thank you guys..  Love you all.

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