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It was dark....
It had rained heavily, just an hour ago.

I was returning back home from my tuitions.... 

The road side was surrounded all by water and the smell of the mud was just great. I wished I could stay here long... 
But I had to return home fast.
It wasn't safe here at night.....

As I was on my way back home,  I saw two dark figures coming near me, from front.

I got afraid, but I kept moving on.
Just ignoring them.

They were moving like....  Not stable at all , they were just not walking in the proper way....

I saw that, they were moving slowly, and were coming near...

I raised my head and watched them as I moved three step near pole.... 
I was trying to understand what are they?

As they seemed to be a bit different....  Like their walking style and,  and like everything. 
I was moving....  Just than I saw that my shoes lace was untied....

I sat down near a road and tied the shoe lace...

The way from where I was going back home wasn't exactly the proper busy road but just a way which can be kind of used as a short cut! 

They were slowly coming near me and my heart beat was getting faster.....

Every step they moved made my heart beats grew stronger...

There was only one street light , lit up at that way.

It was just some steps away from me and as well as from them...

We were about to cross each other in the light.

I was curious about those figures...  And nervous too...

They reached near the light and I could see them now....
The moment I put my head up....  I was shocked with the scene!
I couldn't believe on my eyes .....

What I saw...  Made tears come out of my eyes.....

What will happen next...  What did Jerry saw?  What was it?  To know more wait for the update....

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