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My phone rings... 
And this time I picked up....

Jerry? - Dad

Hm..  Yeah dad? - me

I've been calling you for long?  Why on this earth you aren't picking up your cell?
Where the hell are you?  - Dad

Dad,  calm down!  I'm standing behind you! - me

What? - Dad

he turns back!
His eyes were full of tears, he came running and hugged me tightly.

Where have you been? -dad

I could clearly see in his eyes that he was worried about me. I grabbed his hand in my hand and said that I was with my friends in the tuition and my phn was on silent.... So I couldn't hear the ring.  I apologized to him for being late.

He forgave me ....
And we went inside....

But the matter wasn't sought yet!
Josh laid unconscious near my bed...

And I've gotta do something....
It was a mystery yet,  what happened to him!

But I guess it was all my fault somewhere somehow!

After a while...

We all sat near the dinning table.... 
Mum cooked us delicious meal...

I wasn't talking much today!  I was just thinking about the whole thing, happened today.

As we finished , I took some food in a separate plate and turned back to go to my room,

Where you taking that plate? -mum

I..  I...  I...  Was going to my room,  ....
Actually,  I was working on my project  , so I thought that it'd  be great doing my work with eating! -Jerry(me)

But dear... - mum

I went quickly to my room,
Josh was still fainted....
He wasn't waking at all...  Though I've treated him with medicines and all...  I was still lying! 
I tried to wake him up.... 

Suddenly then..............


Wanna know what happened next?  Did josh wake up?  To know more wait for the update....

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