"Come along" I insisted. "You don't have to stay here".

"I can't escape this, I can't escape him, you know that" his hand came to caress my cheek. "Plus, you love Niall, you always have" he laughed quietly.

'Fake laugh' I thought as I smiled sadly at him.

"Josh-" I started, but he cutted me off.

"No, Liara, I was always a fucking bastard and a huge jerk... I deserve some paim" he said.

"You'll find love somewhere" I said.

He made a disgusted face. "Nonsense" he exclaimed, trying to steer the sad atmosphere away. "Now, you go up there and kick that motherfucker's sorry ass!" He encouraged.


I ducked as his fist came at me again while smirking. Certainly, he was stronger than before, but certainly, not stronger than me.

The screams of people that surrounded us was meant to be encouraging, but they were nothing but a distracting noise.

The guy, Tainted, was nothing but a stupid human. He moved too much, breathed in a random pattern and attacked at the wrong time. I was much skinner than him and much shorter, but there I was, beating his sorry ass, as Josh described him.

Once his eyes flickered to his stupid trainor, as he always did, I attacked, aiming for his nose, then with my knee, I hit his sensetive area. I pushed him on the floor and straddled his hips. I pinned his hands with my knees and kept punching his face, not giving him a chance to hit back, nor to surrender.

Exactly ten punches later, he stopped moving, but I had in my mind to finish him, because some people didn't deserve many chances, those same people needed to learn when to give up.

The monster that was inside me has long ago took over me, the same monster Michael took care of. All I had in my mind was to kill and more kill. A distanted gun-fire snapped me out of the trance I was in, making me look up at the back.

"Everybody down!" One of them yelled and started shooting.

"They're coming to rescue you, tonight" Josh's words replayed in my head.

With one last blow on Tainted's jaw, I rolled off of him and stayed down on the floor. Everyone was either getting shot, or trying to stay alive by crawling on the floor. My eyes searched the mob of people to find Michael.

"Rosa! Over here!" I heard Scar shout to me. I found his eyes and found him, along with Michael, Hunter and Josh, hiding behind the bar.

My eyes moved over to Josh. With one move of his head, I was sure that those were Niall's people. I looked back to the guys that surrounded the only enterence and exit.

"Rosa" the one in the middle growled out.

Another look at Josh, I raised my head up. "I'm Rosa" I declared.

He indicated with his hand for me to go to him. I did as I was told and ran to them. I could hear Michael screaming my stage name as I ran towards Niall's people. My arm was grabbed by the man who called, or rather, growled my name earlier and rushed me out of the door. Behind us, as we ran, only shots were heard.

The man, whose eyes as cold as ice and had the color of silver, looked back at me as we were running. "Damn" he muttered.

Once we were inside of a black Range Rover with tinted windows, he gave me a gun, I looked at it in question, because I had given it up for a reason.

"For safety" he said and chucked it in my lap.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"Niall's brother" he answered.

Surprisement took over my face. I looked him up and down, he was nothing like Niall, his hair was as black as midnight and eyes like silver, his skin was kind of tanned, his jaw was quiet sharp and his cheekbones a bit pointy. Like I said, he was nothing like Niall.

"Yeah, right" I sarcastically answered back.

His cold eyes met mine. "Ask Niall yourself".

"What are you to him? Really" I said again.

The car stopped again and a guy came in and sat in the front seat, he was panting. "All safe" he said.

The car moved again. The guy who sat at the front turned around and faced me. "You must be Liara. I'm Zayn, Niall's better brother" he said as he gave a teasing smirk to silver eyes guy.



S-s-shiiiiiit. What the heck, Liara? You whoring around or what?



Vote for my sake
Vote and comment for Niall's sake.

Love you ♡

Peace out \/ and stay alive |-/

Aya J

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